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Voir le dossier Manger sans risques


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par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 662

Un petit-déjeuner copieux: une clé pour perdre du poids?

3 juillet 2008 - Un petit-déjeuner riche en glucides pourrait aider à perdre du poids, conclut une étude1 menée auprès de 94 femmes obèses.En
consommant dès le petit-déjeuner la moitié des calories permises dans
leur régime, les femmes ont réussi à perdre 21,3 % de leur poids
initial après huit mois. Celles qui suivaient plutôt un régime strict à
faible teneur en glucides n’avaient perdu que 4,5 % de leur poids
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 712

Tofu 'may raise risk of dementia'

Eating high levels of some soy products - including tofu - may raise the risk of memory loss, research suggests.

The study focused on 719 elderly Indonesians living...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 521

The 11 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating

ALIMENTATION-HYGIENE  DE VIE/ PROPER FOOD DIET- Foods533Maybe you should be eating more beets, left, or chopped cabbage.

Nutritionist and author Jonny Bowden has created several lists of
healthful foods people should be eating but aren’t. But some of his
favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always
available at regular grocery stores. I asked Dr. Bowden, author of “The
150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” to update...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 446

Volumize Your Diet
Eat Large, Stay Lean!
by Chris Shugart

Portion Control Sucks
It used to be low fat. Then it was low carb. Today it's portion
control. And guess what? You're still fat. Or at least 66%
of Americans are.

It's still junk food, fattie.
Sorry, mainstream media, food manufacturers, diet clinics, and
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 1808

doper ses méninges ?

améliorer sa mémoire grâce à son alimentation ? C’est
ce que nous dévoile Jean-Marie Bourre, membre de l'Académie
de Médecine, de l'Académie de la Gastronomie, et directeur de
l'unité 26 de l’INSERM. Spécialiste français en neuropharmaco-nutrition,
il est l’auteur d’un best-seller vendu à plus de 30 000
exemplaires "Les aliments...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 422

5 Causes of Rapid Aging

Most people are aware that negative lifestyle habits like smoking
and excessive alcohol can lead to rapid aging. But what about the
repeated stress and poor nutrition that are so often a part of a
high-pressure style of living today? Read on to see what could be
causing rapid aging in your life.

1. Poor Diet
you eat probably affects your health more than anything else you do.
When you eat a poor diet—fatty, processed, or fried foods and simple
sugars—you invite rapid...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 448

20 cancer-fighting foods to eat all summer


  • by Glamour Magazine, on Mon Jun 16, 2008 9:43am PDT
  • Read More from This Author »

par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 446



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par Tite Prout - Commentaires: 2 - Vues: 1211

Des aliments qui protègent du soleil...
Il n’y a pas que la crème solaire qui ait les propriétés
de protéger du soleil. Certains aliments auraient également
ces vertus.
Les fruits et les légumes rouges, jaunes et orange contiennent
des caroténoïdes, qui réduiraient les brûlures
causées par le soleil.
Les cerises et la menthe auraient la propriété d’arrêter
la formation de cancer dans les cellules humaines...
par Tite Prout - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 595

Mini-guide santé des vacances

.fondGris {background-color: #999;}

coup de soleil, otite du baigneur ou...
par Tite Prout - Commentaires: 3 - Vues: 1500

20 pounds in 20 weeks
Muscle Building Meals
by Dr. John M Berardi

If you've read my articles, then you know that the goal of each
and every integrated training, nutrition, and supplement program I
design is to find the intersection of the habits that lead to
optimal body composition, optimal health, and optimal physical
performance. I call this the "Sweet Spot."
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 626

5 Healthiest Anti-Aging Snacks

Snacking often gets a bad rap, but if you make intelligent choices
about what you eat, you can actually benefit your health and longevity.
Read on to find out how!

Why Snacks?

Most of
us are used to eating three times a day, but it is much healthier to
eat smaller meals more frequently -f ive small meals a day, for
instance. Eating in this way delivers a steady stream of nutrients,
blood sugar, and energy to your body throughout the day and is also
much less taxing...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 468

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

By LAURA BLUETue Jun 10, 4:00 PM ET

Sleep is one of the richest topics in science today: why we need it,
why it can be hard to get, and how that affects everything from our
athletic performance to our income. Daniel Kripke, co-director of
research at the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center in La Jolla, Calif., has
looked at the most important question of all. In 2002, he compared
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 472

Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin D
Office of Dietary Supplements • National Institutes of Health

Table of Contents

Reference Intakes
Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D Intakes and Status
Vitamin D Deficiency
Groups at Risk of Vitamin D Inadequacy
Vitamin D and Health
Health Risks from Excessive...
par mihou - Commentaires: 2 - Vues: 450

De l'huile de foie de morue plutôt que des anti-inflammatoires?

3 avril 2008
– L’huile de foie de morue pourrait aider les patients qui souffrent de
douleurs arthritiques à réduire leur dépendance envers les
anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (AINS), selon des chercheurs
écossais1.Les AINS sont les médicaments les plus largement prescrits dans le but de soulager la douleur associée à l’arthrite rhumatoïde ou à l’arthrose. La plupart des 58 personnes qui ont participé à l’étude prenaient...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 619

3 Fat Loss Steps
by Chad Waterbury
Sometimes I can't make it to the revered Gold's Gym in Venice to do my
workouts, so that means I'm often relegated to the fitness facility
that's in my complex. Recently, I was working out in my
complex's fitness facility while a young woman was doing the same. It
was late and we were the only two in the place, so instead of acting
like we were alone she decided to strike up a conversation. Maybe it
was because what I was doing was drastically different than what she
was doing. Or maybe she just wanted to be...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 1175

Huiles de poisson

[b]À propos des huiles de poisson[/b]

toujours, les Inuits consomment chair et huile de poisson, de phoque et
de baleine, une alimentation très riche en gras. Pourtant, ils
souffrent rarement de maladies cardiovasculaires. La recherche a fini
par démontrer que les...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 607

Great Food for Your Body, Heart and Brain

Also in This Issue of Health & Wellness
• Dealing With Dental Disasters
Whether chipped, knocked out of position, or just knocked out, taking quick action might save your tooth. go >

Power Makers: Meat and Milk
Once nutrients make their way into a neuron, small furnaces within the cells turn them into energy by combusting glucose and oxygen. The cellular furnaces, known as mitochondria, create energy less efficiently as you age. As mitochondria sputter, cells have less energy to power critical...
par Tite Prout - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 435

Une carence en vitamine D pourrait nuire à votre coeur

11 janvier 2008 – Une carence en vitamine D,
même modérée, pourrait représenter un risque accru de souffrir de
troubles cardiovasculaires. C’est ce qu’indiquent les résultats d’une
étude1 que vient de publier Circulation, le journal de l’association américaine pour les maladies du coeur.Menée
par des chercheurs de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université Harvard,
l’étude a porté sur une cohorte de 1 739 personnes âgées,...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 491

Applied Nutrigenomics
Where Genes and Food Come Together
by Dr. John M. Berardi, PhD, CSCS

Nutrigenomics: The study of how genes and nutrients interact. Until
recently, I knew this field of science was an exciting area that would
someday change the future of nutrition, medicine, and more. However,
in my mind all this crazy gene-nutrient stuff was still wrapped up in
mystery. It was the stuff futurists hypothesized about rather than the
stuff physicians, nutritionists, and health experts could use every day.
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 534

The 2008 Fat Loss Roundtable, Part I
Featuring Dr. Christopher R. Mohr,
Mike Roussell, and Chris Shugart
Moderated by the Testosterone Editors
In the early 90's, it was low fat and low fat only. Rice cakes and fat-free Twinkies for everybody! Then,
as the decade progressed, carbs started to fall out of fashion and the
nutrition world turned itself upside down with low carbs and low carbs
only. Great, let's eat Crisco by the spoonful! What's next?
We almost hate to think about it, so we sat down with Dr. Christopher
Mohr, Mike Roussell,...
par mihou - Commentaires: 3 - Vues: 636

When Gourmet Meets Nutrition
by Dr. John Berardi, CSCS

Sometimes "health food" is just plain awful. And it's this simple fact
that drives some folks away from eating healthy altogether. While
I lament this fact, I have to admit I feel most sorry for those poor
folks who decide to lower their heads and keep at it — those who keep
eating miserable tasting food because they want to lose weight or
accomplish some other health or physique-type goal.
par mihou - Commentaires: 2 - Vues: 592

Perdre la mémoire en vieillissant, c'est normal

18 décembre 2007
– Il est normal que certaines des fonctions du cerveau d’une personne
vieillissante tendent à décliner même en l’absence de sénilité ou de la
maladie d’Alzheimer. C’est ce qu’indiquent les résultats d’une étude1
menée par des chercheurs de l’Université de Harvard auprès de
55 adultes âgés de 60 ans à 93 ans et 38 autres âgés de 18 ans à 35 ans.Aucun
des 93 participants ne souffrait de la maladie d’Alzheimer ou...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 580

Vitamine D: un supplément tous les jours

11 juin 2007
– Les adultes canadiens devraient prendre un supplément de vitamine D
quotidiennement, du moins durant l’automne et l’hiver, afin de prévenir
certains cancers.C’est ce que recommande désormais la Société
canadienne du cancer (SCC) qui juge suffisantes les preuves
scientifiques associant la « vitamine soleil » à la prévention des
cancers colorectal, de la prostate et du sein.« Les éléments
probants continuent de se multiplier à...
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 556

Le miel, plus efficace que le sirop contre la toux

14 décembre 2007 - Le miel calmerait la toux et améliorerait la qualité du sommeil des enfants, affirme une étude américaine1. Selon les chercheurs, ce traitement serait plus efficace qu’un sirop contenant du dextrométhorphane (DM). L’étude
portait sur 105 enfants âgés de 2 ans à 18 ans qui présentaient une
infection des voies respiratoires supérieures accompagnée d’une toux
nocturne. La première nuit, les enfants n’ont reçu aucun traitement.
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 393

La baie d'argousier: «le fruit le plus complet de la création»!

29 août 2007
– Il existe un petit fruit peu connu au Québec dont la culture n’en est
qu’à ses premiers pas, mais qui, selon plusieurs experts, serait voué à
un avenir des plus prometteurs : la baie d’argousier.Certains en
sont même déjà des passionnés. Aux yeux d’André Nicole, président de
l’Association des producteurs d’argousier du Québec (APAQ)1, cette baie orangée constitue rien de moins que « le fruit le plus complet...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 636


ALIMENTATION-HYGIENE  DE VIE/ PROPER FOOD DIET- Potassium_ps-1<hr class="tabMat">

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par mihou - Commentaires: 2 - Vues: 634

Medieval diets 'far more healthy'
If they managed to survive plague and pestilence, medieval humans may have enjoyed healthier lifestyles than their descendants today, it has been claimed.

Their low-fat, vegetable-rich diet - washed down by weak ale - was far better for the heart than today's starchy, processed foods, one GP says.

And while they consumed more they burnt off calories in a workout of 12 hours' labour, Dr Roger Henderson concludes.

But the Shropshire GP accepts that life for even prosperous peasants was tough.

But after examining the...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 610



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par mihou - Commentaires: 3 - Vues: 875


par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 628

Voici la différence entre le beurre et la margarine, très intéressant.

Passe-moi le beurre !!!!!!!!

Lisez jusqu'au bout .................. C'est vraiment intéressant.
margarine était manufacturée à l'origine pour engraisser les dindes et
les volailles. Quand le produit en question a commencé à nuire aux
éleveurs en tuant les animaux prématurément, les investisseurs qui
avaient mis leur argent dans la recherche ont voulu un retour d'argent,
alors ensemble, ils ont cherché un moyen de faire de l'argent avec ce
produit. C'était un...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 456

Overcome Soreness

By Ross Enamait - Published in 2003

Boxing is a physical sport that requires intense training. Sparring,
heavy bag work, calisthenics, and running are just a few choices on the
training menu. These zealous workouts will push the body to its limits.
Muscles will break down and rely on adequate nutrition and
supplementation to ensure recovery. To foster this recovery process, we
must follow a diet rich in...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 3601

The Importance of a Proper Diet

By Ross Enamait - Published in 2002

Competitive boxers are among the best conditioned athletes in the
world. Training sessions are both frequent and demanding. It is common
to undergo intense morning roadwork, followed by an evening of
sparring, bag work, and conditioning drills. Proper nutrition is
imperative to keep pace with such a demanding schedule.

The strenuous workout of a boxer can cause strain to the muscles and
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 5080

Black and Decker Flavor Scenter Steamer Plus I've
been trumpeting the virtues of the Black and Decker vegetable steamer
for over 10 years now. I think I'm personally responsible for selling
at least a couple of thousand of these babies. If you have
trouble eating vegetables at dinner because you don't like the taste,
the Scenter Steamer Plus makes them tasty, or almost tasty, depending
on the intensity of your animosity towards veggies.
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 1225

20 Minutes to a Hard Body
Get Full Without Getting Fat, And Other Tips
by Chris Shugart

Suddenly Sated Here's
what happened. I'd broken the cardinal rule of good, muscle-building,
abs-displaying nutrition: I'd gone way too long between meals. Instead
of the usual five or six meals per day, I'd only had breakfast. It was
2PM. Oops. Starved, I pulled into a Chinese buffet. Now, I have
rules when it comes to buffets: nothing fried, no breads, no desserts.
Those rules usually keep this "cheat" meal somewhat under control, so...
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 1088

So here are 5 more fat loss tips for beginner & advanced readers.

1) No liquid calories (with the exception of a post-workout drink).

Get rid of all the juices, the sodas, and the sports drinks. Liquid
sugar is the last thing you need when you are trying to lose fat.

You must also limit your alcohol intake - especially if you are
adding mix to drinks...that is a double calorie bomb! A single "Jack
and Coke" is over 200 calories (100 calories from booze and 100
calories from mix).

2) No fast food.

Do not eat...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 378

Déclin mental
Le long travail d'un antioxydant

Photo: Pink

Le stress oxydatif contribue au vieillissement du cerveau. Des
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 407

This is one of my favorite longevity tips, but don't get the wrong
idea! Sleeping your way to 100 means power naps. Power naps: 10, 20, 30
minutes a day really rejuvenate and refresh your body. Read on to
discover how they factor into your longevity plans.

Power Up with a Power Nap

long-time tradition in Latin countries, a siesta is a great way to
jumpstart the second half of your day. Famous nap enthusiasts have
included some of the best minds in history, such as Albert Einstein,
Winston Churchill, and Thomas Edison. What they...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 438

Nutrition for Newbies, Part 2
by Christian Thibaudeau
In part 1
of Nutrition for Newbies, Coach Thibs gave you the rundown on the big 3
macronutrients, along with some incredibly useful info on fatty acids,
cortisol, and the basal metabolic rate (BMR). He also told you which
foods to eat and which foods to avoid.
he's going to fill your belly and mind with 14 nutritional nuggets and
give some concrete advice on how to accomplish almost any physique goal
you might have.
Why-o-why didn't we have something like this when we ...
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 2109

Nutrition for Newbies, Part 1
by Christian Thibaudeau
"Bodybuilding is at least 80% nutrition" - Vince Gironda
"Nutrition is 100%, training is 100%, recovery is 100%" - Dorian Yates
"If you're not growing, it's likely your diet, not your training, that's holding you back" - Dr. John Berardi I
remember when I was getting into serious Olympic lifting training:
after every good workout I would reward myself with five burgers from a
local fast food joint. And this wasn't only an occasional thing,
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 1012

Here's some of the tips we used in our plan to
help the 3 brothers
lose that last 5 pounds of fat in the last 10
days of the

NOTE: These advanced tips were only used for
10-14 days. That's the
maximum time for this advanced plan.

1) Start your day with water and fiber. I truly
believe drinking
12 cups of water over the course of the day helps
you stay alert and
stops you from feeling too hungry. As for the
fiber, you can get it
from fruit or nuts. Research shows starting your
day with...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 434

Atomic Dog
10 Secrets for Living Well
by TC

Atomic Dog is a weekly feature that isn't necessarily about weight
training or bodybuilding. Sometimes it's about sports in general, sex,
women, or male issues of some kind. At times it's inspirational, but it
can also be informative, funny, and even a little weird, but hopefully,
always interesting and a little controversial. We hope it reflects the
nature of Testosterone magazine in that, just as no man is
completely one-dimensional...
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 408

Be thin to cut cancer, study says

Even those who are not overweight should slim down if they want to cut
their risk of cancer, a major international study has claimed.

The World Cancer Research
Fund carried out the largest ever inquiry into lifestyle and cancer,
and issued several stark recommendations.

par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 563




  • L’ostéoporose et l’alimentation
  • Recommandations générales
  • Augmenter l'apport en calcium et en vitamine D
  • Avoir un apport adéquat en protéines
  • Privilégier une diète alcaline
par mihou - Commentaires: 2 - Vues: 1028

Face à l'obésité, faut-il surtaxer la malbouffe?

Par Chloé Leprince (Rue89) 12H30 16/10/2007
L'idée de l'UFC-Que Choisir de passer la TVA à 19,6% sur "les produits de grignotage" fait son chemin.
Faut-il rehausser la fiscalité sur la malbouffe pour lutter contre l'obésité? C'est la revendication avancée par l'UFC Que-Choisir,
qui demande qu'on passe à une TVA à 19,6% sur les "produits...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 769

Why garlic is good for the heart
Researchers have cracked the mystery of why eating garlic can help keep the heart healthy.

The key is allicin, which is broken down into the foul-smelling sulphur compounds which taint breath.

These compounds react with red blood cells and produce hydrogen sulphide which relaxes the blood vessels, and keeps blood flowing easily.

The University of Alabama at Birmingham research appears in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Our results suggest garlic in the diet is a very good thing
Dr David Kraus
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 474

Clean Livin'
A T-man Guide to Health
by TC
While our unofficial motto here at T-mag is "look good naked," we sometimes forget that it doesn't much matter how good you look, naked or otherwise, if you're as daid as the mullet that's packed on ice and sitting on the fishmonger's cart.Neither
is it much good if you always feel crummy because you have bad
chemicals gumming up the works, or so much sludge pumping through your
arteries that George W....
par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 408

12 Skills Every T-Man Should Know
by TC
Oh-oh, another list in a popular magazine that tests how I measure up. More
often than not they prove I'm an unromantic slob because I don't take
the time to shower the bedspread with lilac petals at least once a
week, or how I haven't really lived because I've yet to ride naked on a
wild stallion through the ruins of Chichen Itza at sunset. Why I read these lists I don't know. Maybe it'd be different if I occasionally scored high on one that wasn't titled, "Are you Addicted to Porn?" So...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 2225

BONUS ARTICLE: The Step Construct
by Chris Shugart

Everything you do, every single decision you make, either takes you a
step closer or a step further away from your goal. You either grow or
you regress; nothing stands still. Got that? Good. Now,
let's apply that to your training goal. First, what's your primary
goal? Lose that blubbery gut? Build mountains of muscle? Bench press a
Buick? Look hotter than that slut your husband left you for? Whatever
your goal, get it in your head right now. Whatever you want your body
to look like,...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 564
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