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* Traitements possibles * Description médicale * Symptômes * Personnes à risque
* Facteurs de risque * Prévention * Traitements médicaux * L’opinion de notre médecin
* Traitements non conventionnels * Approches à considérer * Sites d’intérêt * Références
Traitements possibles Traitements médicaux
Médicaments antibiotiques ou antifongiques pris par voie vaginale ou orale. Traitements non conventionnels
Asperge Récoltée à la main.L'asperge est une plante dont les nombreuses racines émettent de nouvelles tiges verticales chaque printemps. Elle est maintenant cultivée presque partout dans le monde, mais elle est assez coûteuse, car elle doit être récoltée à la main. Vertes, violettes, blanches. Les asperges... |
Vieillissement: inutiles, les antioxydants?
27 février 2009 – « Faut-il oublier les antioxydants? » C’est la question que posent des chercheurs de l’Université McGill qui affirment avoir découvert que le vieillissement ne serait peut-être pas attribuable à l’oxydation de nos cellules.Dans une étude publiée récemment1, ils remettent en question la théorie du stress oxydatif. Vieille de 40 ans, elle stipule que l’accumulation de particules d’oxygène... |
Aliments frais, surgelés, en conserve? Que choisir? |
- Le mot-clé : fraîcheur
- Surgelés, pourquoi pas?
- La conserve : à réhabiliter?
Pour bien s’alimenter, faut-il toujours manger frais?... |
Cholestérol : vous pouvez manger vos oeufs en paix
19 février 2009 – Une consommation régulière d’oeufs aurait peu d’effet sur le taux de cholestérol sanguin et par conséquent sur les risques de maladies cardiovasculaires, conclut une nouvelle étude britannique1. La plupart des gens n’ont pas à restreindre leur consommation d’oeufs, soutiennent les chercheurs.Malgré les nombreuses études2 sur le cholestérol qui ont innocenté les oeufs, ces dernières années, |
Avocat |
- Profil santé
- L’avocat au fil du temps
- Usages culinaires
- Conservation
- Références
| Nom commun : avocat. Nom scientifique : Persea americana. Famille : lauracées. |
Des statines pour tout le monde, après la cinquantaine?
13 février 2009 – Pas moins de 80 % des personnes de plus de 50 ans devraient prendre des statines afin de réduire leur risque d’être atteint d’une maladie cardiovasculaire, selon une étude qui vient d’être publiée1.On estime qu’aux États-Unis, une personne sur quatre prend des statines (25 %), parmi les hommes de plus de 50 ans et les femmes de 60 ans et plus. Cette proportion devrait être de 58... |
With people all over the globe spending billions of dollars on skin-care products every year, you'd think cosmetics companies had replicated the fountain of youth in the laboratory. In fact, skin creams have gotten more and more expensive and less and less based on real science. According to most experts who aren't hawking half-ounce jars of $200 youth serum, the science behind skin care is simpler than most of us think. As with most health benefits, it comes down to lifestyle, rather than how much you can afford to spend on products. The things... |
8 More Power Foods by Chris Shugart
Because Everybody Eats As we say in the muscle-building world, nutrition is responsible for 50% of your results. Or is 75%? Heck, I've even heard 90%! Whatever. We'll let the experts argue numbers. But this much is certainly true: If you aren't paying attention to the foods you eat, you're severely hurting your chances of building a muscular, lean, healthy body. But let's go a step beyond the obvious. Tell me, what do fat people and scrawny people have in... |
En bref - Pesticides bannis |
-Testosterone- A Critical Hormone for Men and Women by Jeffry S. Life, M.D. Ph.D.
Men and Testosterone
Testosterone is a hormone that has been intimately tied throughout time to a man’s virility and sexuality. It is the major steroid hormone of the testicles. However, testosterone is much more than just a sex hormone. With testosterone receptor sites in the brain and heart, and in fact throughout the entire body, testosterone plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy immune system, insuring proper cardiac output, and regulating mood and cognition, controlling... |
Eating Fat To Lose Fat
by Dr. John Berardi
To lose fat, sometimes you have to eat fat. I know, I know, this statement just "feels wrong." After all, years of anti-fat campaigning have convinced us that fat is what makes us chunky.... |
Santé des os: calcium ou activité physique?
26 novembre 2008 – Un supplément de calcium aurait pour effet d’augmenter la densité osseuse des hommes de 40 ans et plus, selon les résultats d’une récente étude néo-zélandaise1.Durant deux ans, 323 hommes de 40 ans et plus - âgé en moyenne de 57 ans - ont pris des doses quotidiennes de calcium (600 mg ou 1 200 mg) ou un placebo. Les chercheurs ont mesuré la densité osseuse des sujets au début, durant et à la fin de l’essai clinique.... |
Vieillir en santé: plus de protéines pour de meilleurs muscles
27 novembre 2008 - Nous perdons tous des muscles en vieillissant. Or, maintenir ou augmenter sa masse musculaire lorsqu’on vieillit favorise la force physique, mais contribue aussi à la prévention du cancer et des maladies cardiovasculaires, affirme Stuart Phillips, professeur au Département de kinésiologie à l’Université McMaster en Ontario. |
La reproduction humaine est menacée par la chimie LE MONDE | 24.11.08 | 11h03 • Mis à jour le 24.11.08 | 11h05
e nombre et la qualité des spermatozoïdes ont diminué d'environ 50 % par rapport à 1950. L'incidence du cancer des testicules a doublé au cours des trente dernières années. Le nombre de malformations génitales masculines est en hausse : la fréquence de la cryptorchidie |
Built for Show by Nate Green
I've never worked with a client who couldn't put on muscle and take off fat. Every client has emerged from our training looking and feeling better — dramatically better, in many cases. But there's never a single pattern. Sometimes people achieve more than I expected, and I'm happy to take credit. But sometimes they achieve less, and if I'm willing to take credit for the overachievers I have to accept blame when a client falls below our mutual expectations. What I can... |
Solutions to Lifting Problems by Eric Cressey It's happened to all of us at one point or another. You show up to the gym, anticipating a great training session, or even just another solid day of lifting. However, once you start adding plates to the bar, it just isn't there. The weights feel heavy. And, you just can't find your groove. Stubborn ass that you are, you keep adding plates, looking for a PR. And, of course, you get buried under your first heavy attempt — or just fall short on the target number of... |
Bodybuilding's Best Kept Secret
by Don Alessi
Olympic Gold
may never make it to the Olympics, but I believe that Olympic lifting will make
it to bodybuilding. In fact, I've always recommended that bodybuilders
use Olympic lifting at certain times during the training year.
don't recommend this because I think bodybuilders need to be able to overhead
press a Hummer. I recommend it because in order to... |
Leap Tall Buildings (and Build Traps of Steel) Mondays With Thibs by Christian Thibaudeau Last week, I asked you how you'd like to start your Mondays, and you came through. Now, it's time for Testosterone to deliver and give you want you want. So, I donned my favorite robe, poured myself a fine glass of wine, and began to ponder two of your questions. Psych! Actually, I just got done pissing off my traps at the gym and am writing this on the back of my training log, sweat dripping, |
7 Tips for Long Term Leanness Getting shredded ain't that tough. Staying that way is! by Chris Shugart The fitness magazines are full of them. The bodybuilding rags are full of them. Even T-Nation is full of them: articles about how to lose fat and discover your abs. What's missing? Simple: Info on how to stay that way once you've reached your goal. Sometimes we resistance-trained gym rats make fun of housewife-types for their yo-yo dieting ways. Yet don't many of us do the same thing, only give it different names like "mass... |
Question of Nutrition: Vol 3 by Dr. Jonny Bowden
Pomegranate: the Hard Data Q: Recently, pomegranate has been called a "natural Viagra." What's up with that? A: What's "up" with that — pun intended — is that rats fed pomegranate extract in a research environment start showing spontaneous randy behavior. The researchers believe that the high antioxidant content of pomegranate juice may help protect against the physical damage that can cause erectile dysfunction. |
Le yogourt: des propriétés anticancer?
22 octobre 2008 –Le yogourt pourrait avoir un effet protecteur contre le cancer de la vessie, soutiennent des chercheurs suédois.L’étude1 a été menée auprès de 82 002 personnes âgées de 45 ans à 83 ans. Selon les résultats, ceux qui avaient consommé deux portions de yogourt ou de lait fermenté par jour avaient 38 %moins de risque d’être atteints d’un cancer de la vessie que ceux qui n’en consommaient pas du tout.Durant un an, les participants... |
10 Reasons Not to Skimp on Sleep
Too busy to go to bed? Having trouble getting quality sleep once you do? Your health may be at risk
By Sarah Baldauf Posted October 16, 2008 You may literally have to add it to your to-do list, but scheduling a good night's sleep could be one of the smartest health priorities you set. It's not just daytime drowsiness you risk when shortchanging yourself on your seven... |
The 3 Tiers of Fat Loss by Dr. John Berardi A three-tiered, integrated approach to fat loss is always warranted, yet rarely found. Magazine articles often cover only one piece of the fat loss puzzle. One article will discuss supplements for fat loss, another will discuss diets for fat loss, and yet another... |
Sinusite: le miel contre les superbactéries
1er octobre 2008 – Le miel pourrait réussir là où les antibiotiques échouent dans le traitement de sinusites chroniques, croient des chercheurs canadiens de l’Hôpital d’Ottawa.Lors d’essais in vitro, les chercheurs ont démontré que certains miels étaient non seulement efficaces contre deux bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques, mais qu’en plus ils pouvaient traverser la pellicule biologique qui les isole. Cette pellicule est formée par un |
Gelée royale Autre nom : lait des abeilles. [b]Indications[/b] |
A Question of Nutrition #2 by Dr. Jonny Bowden A noted nutrition guru tackles the topics of food allergies, fasting, bulking diets, and that crappy weight-loss supplement your wife wants to try.
Bulking Diets: Bashed! Q: Most strength coaches agree that you need extra calories to build muscle. The question is, how much extra? On one side you have those who say to eat a few hundred calories per day over maintenance levels. Others say to just eat a ton and train hard. What do you... |
5 Fast Fat Loss Tips
By Chad Waterbury
Let's face it, no one likes to diet. Just mentioning the word conjures up feelings of anxiety, hunger pangs, and most of all, suffering. But here's something you probably don't know: you don't need to suffer to burn fat fast.
Ketosis is a good example of a dieting idea gone wrong. You see, just a few short years ago many fat loss gurus claimed that entering into ketosis (a metabolic state that forces your body to use ketones,... |
AFP - il y a 1 heure 49 minutes PARIS (AFP) - L'activité des insectes pollinisateurs, menacée par la diminution du nombre d'abeilles, représentait 153 milliards d'euros en 2005, et leur disparition entraînerait une hausse du prix des fruits et légumes, met en garde vendredi l'Institut français de recherche agronomique (Inra).
Cette somme représente 9,5% de la valeur totale de la production agricole mondiale.Mesurée en poids, 35% de la production mondiale dépend des pollinisateurs, principalement les fruits, les légumes et les oléagineux,... |
Stupid Things Young Guys (and Some Older Guys) Do in the Kitchen
by Nate Green
Young guys like us are wired to do stupid things, as I noted in the first part of this series, "Stupid Things Young Guys Do in the Gym." The mistakes we make in the kitchen aren't exactly the same as the ones we make in the weight room, but they're all part of the same pattern of screwing up and screwing around. Some of us have more of our shit together than others, but we could all use some... |
Broccoli 'may help protect lungs' Sulforapane is found in broccoli and brussel sprouts
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Manger santé au resto ou à la cafétéria |
- Au restaurant
- Un exemple de stratégie santé à l’italienne
- À la cafétéria et devant la machine distributrice
Pas toujours évident de bien s’alimenter... |
Les indispensables au garde-manger, au frigo et au congélo
Les indispensables au garde-manger, au frigo et au congélo
* Des aliments pratiques et santé à garder sous la main
Voici toutes sortes de suggestions pour se constituer une réserve d’aliments pratiques et santé et pour éviter d’être pris au dépourvu. Certaines sont évidentes, d’autres moins.
Le tableau comprend :
* Des aliments de base. En plus du pain, du lait et des fruits et légumes,... |
Secrets of Plateau-Busting Nutrition by Dr. Clay Hyght You eat right. Actually, you eat right more than 90% of the time. You certainly train hard. In fact, you love training and rarely, if ever, miss a workout. You take protein and creatine, like any serious trainee should. Yet for some reason, you still can't make significant changes to your physique. Though you look "good" and most people would love to have your body, you've been roughly the same weight and body composition for a couple... |
August 26, 2008
Vitamin D Deficiency May Lurk in Babies
Until she was 11 months old, Aleanie Remy-Marquez could have starred in an advertisement for breast milk. She took to nursing easily, was breast-fed exclusively for six or seven months, and ate little else even after that. She was alert and precocious and developed at astonishing speed, her mother said, sitting at four months and walking by eight months.
But once Aleanie... |
The Truth About Nutrition An Interview with Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. by Chris Shugart I don't know if nutrition is 50 percent of the bodybuilding game, 70 percent, or 99.9 percent. All I know is that ignoring it is the worst mistake you can make. You won't look like you want to look or feel like you want to feel. Chances are, if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, it's your diet that's to blame. One of the best books I've ever read on food and nutrition is called The... |
Running 'can slow ageing process' Runners avoided premature death
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La noix de macadamia: des vertus anticholestérol
5 août 2008 – Introduire des noix de macadamia dans son alimentation en remplacement d’aliments riches en acides gras saturés permettrait de réduire son taux de cholestérol. C’est la conclusion d’une étude1,2 menée à l’Université de Pennsylvanie, aux États-Unis.Vingt-cinq personnes en bonne santé, mais ayant une hypercholestérolémie modérée ont participé à l’essai clinique qui a duré cinq semaines. Un premier groupe devait consommer... |
The CrossFit dietary prescription is as follows: Protein should be lean and varied and account for about 30% of your total caloric load. Carbohydrates should be predominantly low-glycemic and account for about 40% of your total caloric load. Fat should be predominantly monounsaturated and account for about 30% of your total caloric load. Calories should be set at between .7 and 1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass depending on... |
Vitamin C 'slows cancer growth'
An injection of a high dose of vitamin C may be able to hold back the advance of cancers, US scientists claim. The vitamin may start a destructive chain reaction within... |
Broccoli may undo diabetes damage Broccoli may help ward off prostate cancer
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Blessures musculaires (sport) |
- Description médicale
- Symptômes
- Personnes à risque
- Facteurs de risque
- Prévention
- Traitements médicaux
- Approches complémentaires
- Sites d’intérêt
Drink Coconut Water
Why Drink Coconut Water?CocoWater is naturally:
Low in Carbs 99% Fat Free Low in sugars Coconut Water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help - |
Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates Join to Combat Global Tobacco Epidemic Bloomberg and Gates commit $500 million and call on governments to implement proven interventions to reduce tobacco use, save lives Contact: Bloomberg Robert Lawson Phone: +1.212.843.8040 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Phone: +1.206.709.3400 Email: media@gatesfoundation.orgNEW YORK -- Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates today announced joint efforts to combat the global tobacco epidemic. A... |
The Low Fructose Diet by Cassandra Forsythe, PhD(c), CSCS, CISSN Are you looking for that nutritional edge to get your body composition to the next level? Have you been eating your "five-a-day" like a good girl should, but just can't shake that last bit of icing off your former muffin-top? Well, take close note: if you reduce the... |
New exotic fruit to hit UK shops
An unusual fruit from a native African tree, the baobab, is to be available in the UK after being approved by the EU.
The fruit, contained in a hard nut, has six times more vitamin C than oranges and twice as much calcium as milk.
African people have eaten the fruit for thousands of years, but Europeans will consume its pulp as an ingredient in smoothies and cereal bars.
Since 1997, foods not commonly consumed in the EU have had to be formally approved before going on sale.
The baobab tree grows throughout certain... |
Soins de la peau: six mythes tenaces revus par un dermatologue
8 juillet 2008 – La peau est souvent l’objet d’une grande attention et de nombreux rituels. Or, les mille et un petits soins auxquels on a recours pour améliorer son apparence sont parfois inutiles, voire inappropriés. Voici six mythes qui ont la « couenne dure » revus et corrigés par le dermatologue Joël Claveau.Boire huit verres d’eau par jour aide à avoir une belle peauBoire de l’eau contribue à l’hydratation... |
Vitamine D
Autres noms : Calciférol, calcifédiol, cholécalciférol, ergocalciférol, dihydroxycholécalciférol, vitamine soleil, vitamine antirachitique. Indications haut
Prévenir l'ostéoporose et en ralentir la progression (en association avec du calcium), améliorer l’absorption et la rétention du calcium.
Voir la légende des symboles
Efficacité possible
Prévenir divers types de cancer.
Efficacité incertaine
Contribuer à prévenir... |
The 20 Healthiest Foods for Under $1
By: Brie Cadman (View Profile) Food prices are climbing, and some might be looking to fast foods and packaged foods for their cheap bites. But low cost doesn’t have to mean low quality. In fact, some of the most inexpensive things you can buy are the best things for you. At the grocery store, getting the most nutrition for the least amount of money means hanging out on the peripheries—near the fruits and veggies, the meat and... |