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Carry, Run, and Press

By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

This workout is not designed for the faint of heart. Expect to wake up
the morning after with soreness from muscles that you did not know

For the combat athletes in the audience, this workout will build work
capacity, strength, and an indomitable mindset. You can also expect
some unusual glances from the soccer moms who may be walking the track.

This challenge will require a sandbag and a 400...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 473

Quality Over Quantity

By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

Strength and conditioning routines must emphasize quality over
quantity. Lengthy training sessions are often the result of excess rest
between sets, or a lack of training intensity. When you train with
intensity, you can achieve MORE, in less time. Consider the fighter who
jogs 5 miles at a leisurely pace. His roadwork session will average 40
minutes or more. Based on the total time spent training (quantity),
this fighter...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 424

Sequential Fatigue Challenge

By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

The Sequential Fatigue Challenge is
an outdoor conditioning drill which was originally designed for combat
athletes. This routine will not require much time, but is sure to
deliver loads of intensity.

There are no equipment requirements for this workout. You will
simply need a strip of open land for sprinting. When performing this
workout, your goal is to complete...
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 472

Work Capacity 101

By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

Work Capacity 101 is one of many routines contained within the Infinite Intensity training manual.

This workout consists of four exercises, performed as a circuit, with the intention of enhancing the athlete's work capacity.

Mel Siff offers the following definition of work capacity in his informative text Supertraining:
par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 498

The World Today

By Ross Enamait - Published in 2003

Albert Einstein had a unique way of describing the world. In Einstein’s words…

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”

Einstein died almost fifty years (1955). Unfortunately, his words are still relevant in today’s society.

The Facts

    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 374

    Do Not Confuse Strength With Conditioning

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

    A recent trend in the fitness industry has been a newfound interest in
    developing maximal strength. While improved strength is surely
    beneficial and encouraged, I caution you (as a fighter) against
    devoting too much energy towards strength training.

    Strength training is not the same as conditioning. As a fighter, you
    will need superhuman work capacity to succeed. Strength is useless if
    you are...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 411

    Tabata Intervals

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2003

    As I am writing this article, I am happy to report that the temperature
    is a balmy 10 degrees Fahrenheit outside. The wind chill is –4. Last
    week, the wind chill hit –30 degrees. There is snow on the ground and
    it is cold. During this time of the year, you may have difficulty
    running outside. I personally enjoy running in the snow, but you may
    not have access to a convenient running location.

    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 878

    A Twist To Complex Training

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

    Many of boxing’s training philosophies have originated out of
    tradition, rather than science. Trainers often refuse to change,
    continuing to teach archaic techniques. Unfortunately, the failure to
    accept change is just one of the problems. Many boxing trainers are
    unable to implement new techniques due to insufficient funding.

    Boxing is a sport that thrives in the ghetto. Many gyms are located in
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 665

    The Importance of Variety

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

    Variety is defined as the quality or state of having different forms or types.
    Variety is an important concept to apply to your strength and
    conditioning program. An athlete who incorporates variety into his
    routine, will have an advantage over the individual who limits himself
    to one training style or apparatus.

    Unfortunately, many trainers and athletes follow a narrow-minded
    approach to fitness....
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 325

    Indoor Conditioning Options

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

    As a fighter, there is nothing worse than possessing the desire to
    train, while lacking the resources necessary to apply this motivation.
    Consider morning roadwork as a classic example. Roadwork has been a
    staple in the conditioning of combat athletes since the beginning of
    time. But what happens on those mornings when you are unable to run due
    to poor weather conditions? What can a fighter do when outdoor roadwork
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 961

    Train The Body
    The Mind Will Follow

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

    How does one gain confidence and develop mental toughness?

    This is a common question, asked by many aspiring athletes. While
    searching the Internet, I typed the phrase “mind power” in the Google
    search engine. I received several thousand hits with this phrase. Many
    of the links were to expensive information products dedicated to the
    subject. For a few...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 333

    Training The Hands

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

    Over the years, I have learned the importance hand training. As a young
    boxer, I broke my right hand three times. Each of the injuries occurred
    inside the ring. At the time, I was ignorant to the importance of hand
    training. I did not allow sufficient time for the bones to heal between
    fractures. My ignorance resulted in many months of frustration.

    An old saying states that hindsight is 20/20. Fortunately,...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 1393

    Juggle Your Way
    To Improved Performance

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2007

    In a past article,
    I discussed how an inexpensive jump rope could be used to enhance
    athletic qualities such as coordination, agility, quickness, and
    endurance. Contrary to what many Internet Gurus may suggest, these
    skills can be enhanced with nothing more than a $5 rope. Within this
    article, I will discuss another low-tech, inexpensive drill...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 389

    Freestanding Heavy Bag - Product Review

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005


    I have received several questions regarding the durability and quality of many freestanding heavy bags.

    I've never been a big fan of freestanding bags, so I was unable to
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 638

    Intensifying The Heavy Bag

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

    The heavy bag is one of the oldest, most recognizable pieces of
    training equipment. Unfortunately, due to its commonality, the bag is
    often overlooked when searching for speed, power, and endurance.
    Fitness manufacturers continually develop and market new products
    catered towards today’s combat athlete. As new products are developed,
    old training tools such as the heavy bag are often forgotten.

    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 401

    Band Sprints - Video Demo

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

    Video Overview

    In past articles, I have discussed several alternatives to outdoor
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 648

    Rope Climbing

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

    Are you looking for a (fun) challenge?

    Do you remember the days of childhood PE (physical education)? Perhaps
    my favorite PE activity was the few weeks each year that were dedicated
    to rope climbing. My friends and I climbed up and down the rope,
    competing against each other for the fastest time. Rope climbing was
    both challenging and fun. At the time, I didn’t realize how effective
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 485

    Sledgehammer Training

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2006

    Includes Video Demonstration Below

    The sledgehammer has been a conditioning tool amongst fighters since
    the inception of combat sports. It is certainly not a new tool in the
    arsenal of combat athletes. It is however an inexpensive and excellent
    conditioning device. Unfortunately, the reemergence of sledgehammer
    training in the modern era has caused some confusion regarding...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 876

    The Water Ball

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2006

    In a past article,
    I discussed low-tech options for sandbag construction. The sandbag is
    one of the more popular choices for odd object lifting. The awkward
    nature of the bag makes it an ideal tool for any combat athlete. As you
    lift the bag, the sand will shift from side to side, forcing the
    stabilizer muscles to work overtime.

    In addition to the sandbag, other popular odd objects (for lifting)
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 897

    Jump Rope Training

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

    Also, check out [b]Part II (from 2007)[/b]

    You could walk into any boxing gym in the country and I am willing to
    bet that you will hear a few familiar sounds. Young fighters will thump
    away at the heavy bags. Others will create rhythmic sounds on the speed
    bag. A bell will ring every few minutes, indicating the beginning and
    end of a new round. Amidst these sounds,...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 573

    Jump Rope Training - Part II

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2007

    [b]Full Video Demonstration Provided Below[/b]

    A few years ago, I published an introductory article on jump rope training (Part I).
    Since writing the original piece, I've received several questions
    regarding various aspects of rope training and rope selection. This
    article will address many of these questions, and provide another
    sample video with...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 402

    Video Clip Logic

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2006

    Since posting The Home Gym video, I have received several questions regarding the clap pushups that were shown. Two of the most common questions include:

    What are the benefits of this exercise?

    Is this exercise safe?

    First, the issue of safety is unique to each athlete. The body will
    adapt to the...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 394

    Low-Tech High-Effect - Video Demo

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2004

    Video Overview

    The Low-Tech High-Effect...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 434

    The Home Gym - Video Demo

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2005

    Video Overview

    The Home Gym video provides
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 376

    Budget Training

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2006

    [b]Full Video Demonstration Provided Below[/b]

    I’ve created this article and the accompanying video to provide readers
    of this site with more ideas for low-tech training options. Each day I
    receive emails from aspiring athletes who have limited equipment, yet a
    strong desire to improve. Unfortunately, the marketing giants of the
    fitness industry have misled these individuals...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 733

    Hardcore Training - Video Demo

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2006

    [b]An Experiment In Mass-building
    And Athletic Performance


    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 678

    Strength Training For Fighters
    - 15 Random Thoughts -

    By Ross Enamait - Published in 2006

    First Things First

    Several years ago, I provided a brief overview of strength training for
    boxers. It was a basic summary, which was unfortunately misquoted and
    often misinterpreted. Due to the continued confusion, I have created
    this article to address several important topics. There are those who
    continue to despise the...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 508

    Questions of Strength: December
    by Charles Poliquin

    Walk the Plank
    Q: Many coaches put plank exercises for "core work" into almost every program they write. Is this a good exercise?
    It's a good exercise if you're an eleven-year-old stamp collector and
    you don't have a good work...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 1854

    Carb Cycling for Idiots
    by Mike Roussell
    Building Mass while keeping your abs. That's
    the holy grail of bodybuilding, isn't it? Everyone wants to get huge
    but stay lean, but getting lean is damn hard work for most people. For
    natural physique enthusiasts the old paradigm of bulking over the
    winter and leaning out for the summer can be a recipe for disaster as
    too much fat is laid down during the winter, often causing your
    muscular definition to suffer so you end up looking like a "fat guy
    with big forearms." Let me save you from...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 607

    7 Tips for Long Term Leanness
    Getting shredded ain't that tough. Staying that way is!
    by Chris Shugart
    The fitness magazines are full of them. The bodybuilding rags are full
    of them. Even T-Nation is full of them: articles about how to lose fat
    and discover your abs. What's missing? Simple: Info on how to stay that way once you've reached your goal. Sometimes
    we resistance-trained gym rats make fun of housewife-types for their
    yo-yo dieting ways. Yet don't many of us do the same thing, only give
    it different names like "mass phase"...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 595


    Deprivation Nightmares

    par Tite Prout - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 523

    How Much Can You Lift (Wimp)?
    by Brad Kaczmarski
    A few years back I remember reading Charles Poliquin's article on upper body structural balance. It was very intriguing. Since
    then, over seven years have passed. I've graduated college and trained
    high school, college, and pro athletes, along with regular gym goers.
    During this time I've been asked one question more than all of
    the others combined. Nearly ten to fifteen times a day I hear, on any
    given exercise, "What weight should I use?"
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 768

    Transform Your Physique, Part II
    An interview with Physique Clinic coach, Christian Thibaudeau
    by Chris Shugart

    Miss Part I? You can find it HERE.

    Shugart: What causes the phenomenon of muscle memory?

    Thibaudeau: Hard to pinpoint one cause. Fascia stretching is one thing. When a muscle is hypertrophied and stays large for a while, it does stretch its envelope (the fascia). When you stop training, muscle will atrophy (lose size) but fascia will take a much longer time to get back to its original tightness. As long as it's...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 593

    Transform Your Physique Part I
    An interview with Physique Clinic coach, Christian Thibaudeau
    by Chris Shugart
    Physique transformation: It's perhaps the most difficult challenge a
    person can accept. And that, of course, also makes it one of the most
    radically change your body, to augment it with muscle and strip away
    the fat,...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 772

    How Important is Interval Training For Losing Weight and Fat Loss?

    by Jayson Hunter RD, CSCS
    There has been a lot of talk in the last year or so regarding what
    type of exercise you should be doing to maximize your fat loss. There
    are also studies showing that a certain form of exercise may be
    superior to other types of exercise.
    First before we begin lets establish your baseline. If you have not
    exercised before or you are very out of shape then you need to build a
    base level of conditioning. To do this I recommend you...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 477

    The Round-Up Interviews: Alwyn Cosgrove
    by Nate Green
    It's time to play catch-up with the Testosterone authors. Nate Green does the asking, Alwyn Cosgrove does the talking. After
    being in the fitness industry for almost two decades Alwyn Cosgrove has
    earned the admiration and respect of, well, just about everyone. And
    with good reason. His training philosophy is simple: get
    results by any means possible. This thinking has led to great success
    with his clients and a flurry of articles and a couple of books that
    challenge mainstream fitness thinking,...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 684

    The Fascia and Muscle Link
    by Chad Waterbury
    Between the articles I've written, the articles I've contributed to,
    and a handful of "Cool Tips," I'm responsible for over 130 pieces of
    information on Testosterone. Given all the writing that I've done,
    you'd think by now I'd pretty much covered everything.
    Wrrroonnng! In
    fact, I haven't even scratched the surface of what I hoped to cover at
    this stage in the game, but I've got no one to blame except myself. You
    see, when I think a concept hasn't been explored to a great extent, I
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 630

    4 Directions to a Kick-Ass Back
    by Robert "Fortress" Fortney

    If there's one truth in bodybuilding, it's that you'll never rise
    through the amateur ranks if you don't have adequate back development.
    Have you ever stopped to ponder what physical trait all Mr.
    Olympia winners have in common (and think of the varied bodies that
    have won the Sandow trophy)? You guessed it, Skippy, a great back. EXERCICES ET CONDITIONNEMENT PHYSIQUES/EXERCISES AND CONDITIONING Image002
    Dorian's Olympian back...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 438

    Blending Size and Strength, Version 2.0
    Developing the Best of Both Worlds
    by Dr. Clay Hyght, DC, CSCS

    There's no shortage of good programs designed to help you get stronger.
    There are also some good programs aimed at helping you induce
    hypertrophy and get your grow on. Unfortunately, you're usually left to
    choose between these two goals, or at least severely compromise one of
    them while focusing on the other. Well, I decided to try to
    solve this dilemma. I put my thinking cap on and designed a program
    specifically for those of us who...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 742

    Non-Sexy Training and Nutrition
    by Alwyn Cosgrove and Mike Roussell

    to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are
    few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own
    methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to
    have trouble."
    — Ralph Waldo Emerson
    I was talking to Anthony Roberts the other day and he'd mentioned that he'd given a copy of New Rules of Lifting to one of his friends. When he asked his friend what he thought about...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 1619

    You can burn fat and build muscle even if you are
    staying in a
    hotel and using a crappy hotel gym. There are no
    excuses. In fact,
    you can even do a fat burning workout in your own
    hotel room with
    bodyweight exercises.

    Here's how to workout when traveling...

    I recently did a 4 day trip to Tampa Bay, where I
    was busy with a
    seminar, but still needed to do my workouts. On
    Wednesday, I did
    dumbell swings supersetted with pushups in a fast
    workout that
    replaced my normal Wednesday workout with
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 375

    Bucking the Trends
    Have the balls to make up your own mind!
    by Ian King

    Drop the Flock!
    "You shouldn’t squat because it’s bad for your knees!"
    "Don’t use free weights because they’re dangerous!"
    "Don’t use creatine because your left kidney might squirt out your arsehole! Same goes for eating too much protein!"
    get tired of hearing people say that stuff? I sure do. But I let...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 2 - Vues: 485

    From Muffin Top to Six-Pack
    A Guide to Getting the Abs Everybody Wants
    by Jen Heath

    Fit guys and girls with lean, defined midsections stand out more than a
    Sumo wrestler in a figure competition. Not only is a granite set of abs
    sexy, but a solid core acts as a muscular belt that helps to stabilize
    the trunk and reduce the risk of back injury. Read on for a surefire
    recipe to turn a flabby belly into a six-pack. Take a stroll
    through any crowded public place and, if you're like me, you'll
    probably find it hard not to make a mental "ewwww"...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 1602

    Training Age and Rep Selection

    by Chris Shugart

    "The more advanced you become, the lower the number of
    repetitions that will give you the best response." Ian

    We've all heard the "rules" when it comes to rep selection:
    one to four reps for strength, around eight to twelve reps for
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 440

    A Beautiful Snatch
    Getting Started With the Olympic Lifts
    by Sean Waxman
    Oh, the snatch. Take a moment to embrace your juvenile side and let your laughter out. Done? Great, let's learn something. Besides
    being a classic double entendre of the weightlifting world, the snatch
    is an explosive lift that will tax your entire body. EXERCICES ET CONDITIONNEMENT PHYSIQUES/EXERCISES AND CONDITIONING T1_naim_all-01
    Naim Suleymanoglu, also known as "Pocket Hercules." After sorting through the confusion regarding...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 508

    Hell on Wheels
    You Can Build Herculean Legs, But it Takes Guts
    by Robert "Fortress" Fortney
    Hercules: good legs, lousy movie. Fierce,
    productive leg training is the true domain of the serious lifter. Gyms
    from here to anywhere are littered with young and inexperienced weight
    trainers who gladly ground and pound their upper bodies into dust, yet
    expend minimal effort, and perform classic lower-body exercises
    par mihou - Commentaires: 1 - Vues: 2188

    The Ultimate Legs Program
    Blasting Your Quads to Total Development
    by Scott Abel

    Tech note: This article contains videos delivered in Flash. You will
    need the latest version of the Flash Player (at least version 7) to
    view them. If you cannot see the videos, please CLICK HERE to download and install the latest player now. It is free, quick, and easy.
    I've been getting a lot of inquires lately from trainees. Judging from
    the photos they send along, I'd say that 90% of them lack any real leg
    development. At first I just assumed these were...
    par Tite Prout - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 514

    No Business Running!
    Why Running Is More Advanced Than You Think
    by Rachel Cosgrove
    The average woman starting a fitness program has no business running. That's right, no business running! Running
    is an extremely advanced exercise. Yet most people who decide to start
    an exercise program start running from day one. Maybe they saw a
    picture of themselves they didn't like. Or a picture of a figure
    competitor and decided that's what they want to look like. Whatever it
    was, something motivated them to get active. And the next morning...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 2 - Vues: 1011


    Rest-Pause Training Re-visited

    by Mike Mahler
    Rest-pause training will separate the serious lifter from the
    pseudo lifter in no time, as you don't have time to mess around
    between each set. In addition, this form of training is super
    intense and requires your full attention.
    Bodybuilders during Arnold's competition days used to do
    rest-pause training from time to time, to get bigger and...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 631

    If you want to lose stomach fat fast, you need to
    increase the
    intensity of your workout by using both
    resistance training and
    interval training to lose stomach fat.

    Australian researchers, such as Professor Steve
    Boucher, even
    believe that interval training can lead to a spot
    reduction of
    belly fat. That's something that no amount of
    abdominal training
    can do.

    While bodybuilders and young guys without any
    cares in the world
    can spend an hour a day on cardio - and sometimes
    get results - men
    and women...
    par mihou - Commentaires: 0 - Vues: 451
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