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 The Fascia and Muscle Link

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MessageThe Fascia and Muscle Link

The Fascia and Muscle Link
by Chad Waterbury
Between the articles I've written, the articles I've contributed to,
and a handful of "Cool Tips," I'm responsible for over 130 pieces of
information on Testosterone. Given all the writing that I've done,
you'd think by now I'd pretty much covered everything.
Wrrroonnng! In
fact, I haven't even scratched the surface of what I hoped to cover at
this stage in the game, but I've got no one to blame except myself. You
see, when I think a concept hasn't been explored to a great extent, I
feel the need to keep talking about it. (Hence, the plethora of
articles on the importance of lifting with top speed.) However,
someone either agrees with what you're saying and understands it or
doesn't agree and doesn't understand it. To keep talking about the same
topics ad nauseam is a lesson in futility. Make a point, make it clear,
and move on. I came to that realization long ago (even though I
haven't always followed it), but it got me thinking about what topic I
wanted to cover in this article. I decided I would focus on one
component of building a better body that I haven't really touched on in
the past, a topic that is absolutely essential to understand.
The Fascia and Muscle Link Image001
all of the following information is practical, in its strictest
definition. Some are basically concepts that will help you reach your
goals quicker and stay healthy. By doing so you'll have the information
you need to build a better body. Let's get started with one of the most important and least discussed components of your body: fascia.

Holding It All Together Fascia
is connective tissue that surrounds all of the structures in your body,
from head to toe. There are three primary types of fascia: superficial,
visceral, and deep. Superficial fascia surrounds areas such as your
face, neck, and sternum. Visceral fascia, as the name implies, suspends
the organs in your abdominal cavity. But deep fascia is where
this topic gets interesting. Deep fascia is tough, fibrous connective
tissue that surrounds your muscles. It contains many sensory receptors
that communicate pain, proprioception, and various other feedback
mechanisms to your brain. And just like your muscles, deep fascia can
contract and relax. According to structural integration expert, Tom Myers, there are five major fascial chains. Superficial back line — starts at the bottom of the feet and continues up and over the top of the head and ends at the brow ridge. Superficial front line — starts on the top of the feet at the toes and ends behind the ear at the mastoid process. Lateral line — runs along the lateral portion of the lower body, hips, and obliques. Spiral line — wraps from side to side along the body. Deep front line — runs deep along the spine and jaw. You
don't need to worry about all of the different types of fascial lines.
My point in outlining the five major chains is for you to understand
that every muscle in your body is wrapped in multiple directions by
fascia. It's imperative that you respect the deep fascia that
surrounds your muscles. If it's too stiff, it can impair muscle
function. Think of how Chinese women used to bind their feet to limit
foot growth. Fascia can have a similar effect on muscles. If the deep
fascia that surrounds your muscles is too tight, it can restrict your
muscle growth and impair muscle function and performance.

Beyond Big Muscles I
wanted to tackle the relationship between deep fascia and muscle growth
first. I know you're probably reading this article because you want
bigger, stronger, faster muscles, but in order to do that you need to
understand more than just motor unit recruitment — if you want to get the best results as quickly as possible.
The Fascia and Muscle Link Image003
pursuit of bigger muscles you've got to respect the structures that
surround and support your muscles and joints. If you do, you'll get
faster results, and you'll enjoy a lifetime of lifting. That's because
unhealthy fascia can impede your ability to perform well in the gym. If you've ever had foot problems, you might've been diagnosed with something called plantar fasciitis.
This is an inflammation of the fascia on the bottom of your feet, often
caused by excessive foot pronation. It can be painful, not to mention a
nuisance. You might think that inflamed fascia on the bottom of your
feet won't lead to other problems, but you'd be wrong.
The Fascia and Muscle Link Image004

The red area is the fascia. When
I talk about fascia, and its components, it must be understood that
these aren't separate, independent parts. Indeed, fascia is an
integrated and interconnected band of connective tissue that runs from
the bottom of your feet to your head! When any area of this
fascia in between your feet and head gets irritated and loses its
functional capacity, your body must compensate. Generally, irritated
fascia stiffens. This results in a "pull" across other areas of your
body. Think of a fully inflated balloon. If you press your finger into
the balloon (sitffen that area) the rest of the balloon must stretch
and pull to compensate for your finger indention. If you have doubts that fascia is continuous across your body, try this simple procedure popularized by Tom Myers. First,
from a standing position, try to touch your toes with your back flat
and legs straight. Make a note of how far down you can reach and how
intense the stretch is on your hamstrings. Next, from a
standing position, take a tennis ball and place it under the arch of
your right foot. Place a good amount of weight on the tennis ball, but
not so much that you lose your balance or feel intense pain. Now roll
the tennis ball around under your right foot, making sure to hit all
areas from inside to outside and front to back. You should feel
pressure and a little discomfort on the bottom of your foot, but not
intense pain. Do this for 30 seconds before switching to the left foot
and following the same procedure.
The Fascia and Muscle Link Image005

Just one will do. Repeat
the standing toe touch. You'll notice two things. First, you'll be able
to immediately reach closer to your toes (or beyond your toes,
depending on your initial range of motion). Second, you'll feel less of
a "pull" in your hamstrings. Why? Because the connective tissue
on the bottom of your feet is contiguous with your hamstrings. This
connective tissue doesn't stop at the hamstrings, though. It continues
through all of the muscles that run up and over the top of your head to
your brow line! The tennis ball drill will loosen your
hamstrings, but it can also affect many other muscles such as your
calves, glutes, and spinal erectors. By rolling the tennis ball
underneath your feet you've sent a signal to your fascia to relax, thus
freeing up all of your muscles from head to toe. This, in turn, allows
you to achieve a greater range of motion for the toe touch test.
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The Fascia and Muscle Link :: Commentaires

Re: The Fascia and Muscle Link
Message Mer 21 Nov - 12:29 par mihou
The Other Kind of Joint As
Mike Boyles has mentioned in his articles, the human body is a series
of joints stacked on top of each other. Anytime there's dysfunction
there must be compensation. Imagine you're driving down the
road and you have a stiff neck. You want to turn your head and look
over your shoulder before changing lanes. What happens when you have a
stiff neck? You end up twisting your torso to compensate for the lack
of mobility in your neck. This is how joint compensation works. When
one joint can't move freely, other joints have to pick up the slack.
When a joint is forced to do extra work, you set that joint up for
injury. Think about the ankle joint. When you have plantar
faciitis and excessive foot pronation, another joint must compensate —
the knee joint that's directly above it. The knee joint is being pulled
inward to compensate for the excessive foot pronation. Since
the knee joint has altered its natural position, the hip must follow
(you can't move your leg without it affecting your hip) and shift its
position. Importantly, the hip joint is linked with the shoulders
because of your fascial line. So now that your hip has shifted, the
opposite shoulder must compensate by shifting, too. Depending on the
position of the hip, your shoulder might compensate by moving more
anterior — thus throwing your scapula out of its ideal placement and
shortening the muscles on the front of your shoulder. In
essence, you could say that plantar faciitis can cause shoulder
problems. But the distance can travel even further. Indeed, research
has demonstrated a direct link between a fallen arch and TMJ in your
jaw!(1) Now are you beginning to understand the
importance of tissue health, mobility, and proper posture? You must
keep your fascia as healthy as possible by performing mobility and
flexibility drills, along with maintaining proper posture and balancing
the exercises that train your entire body. And this is where it's
appropriate to bring up mobility and flexibility training.

Mobility and Flexibility: Are They Synonymous? It's
safe to assume that you've heard the term "flexibility," and thanks to
the writings of Cressey, Robertson, Hartman, and Boyle, you're familiar
with "mobility." Over the past few years, mobility training has been
the focus of many fitness coaches and physical rehabilitation
specialists. What are flexibility and mobility, anyway?
The Fascia and Muscle Link Image007

Flexible and mobile. Imagine
you're lying on your back with your legs straight. If you just lie
there and let a physical therapist lift your leg up as high as possible
he'd be testing your passive range of motion. This is a test of
flexibility — the ability for your muscles to passively lengthen. When
you stand up and mimic the same test by pulling your leg up as high as
possible, you're testing mobility. Think of mobility as active
flexibility. After all, the definition of mobility is "the ability to
move freely." So flexibility and mobility are not synonymous terms.
They have been in the past, but I think it's an over simplification. Is
one better than the other? No. Just like you need to lift heavy,
medium, and light weights to train your muscles to work for different
periods of time and at different speeds, flexibility and mobility
training serve different purposes, too. It's common practice to
stretch your muscles before you train. I'm not talking about
"warming-up" by jogging or jumping rope, I'm talking about passively
stretching. You've probably heard that stretching prevents injuries by
"preparing" your muscles for hard work. Intuitively, it makes sense,
but research is mounting to refute the notion that stretching before a
workout provides any real benefit. In fact, passive stretching before a
workout might impede your performance. Flexibility training,
or passive stretching, is relaxing to your muscles. That's great for
recovery, but it's also relaxing to your nervous system. For example,
you'll temporarily lose strength in your hamstrings if you passively
stretch them by weakening the signal between your nerve endings and
muscles. You of course know that you want the nervous system to
work at its peak while you're training in order to recruit as many
motor units as possible. By reducing the nervous system transmission
between your motor neurons and muscles, you won't be able to produce as
much force as if you skipped the passive stretching. After a
workout, however, it's beneficial to relax your muscles and nervous
system since it was revved up during your workout. When your nervous
system is stimulated, it's very difficult, if not impossible, to get
your muscles to the point of relaxation that's necessary for recovery. This
is why you typically get a stiff neck when you're stressed. Therefore,
I recommend flexibility training, or passive stretching, at the end of
your workouts for two reasons. First, it'll help your muscles and
nerves relax. Second, it's a time when a temporary loss in strength
isn't detrimental to your performance. Mobility training, if
performed correctly, can enhance your nervous system and prepare your
joints for a workout. When you actively move your muscles through a
full range of motion, you stimulate the motor nerves that innervate
your muscles, thus allowing you to recruit more motor units. If
you've ever watched Olympic swimmers right before they dive into the
water for a race you'll notice that they do big, fast arm circles to
prepare their shoulders. This is a smart move. By actively moving their
shoulder joints through a full range of motion, they're enhancing the
neural drive to their muscles and stirring up synovial fluid that
reduces joint friction. This information doesn't end with the
nervous system and joint fluid, though. Remember that fascia that I was
referring to? Well, flexibility and mobility training help keep that
fascia supple. By doing so, you'll receive three big benefits. First,
you'll be able to train your exercises through a greater range of
motion. Second, you'll potentially reduce your risk for joint
injuries. When one area of your body is stiff and restricted, another
area has to compensate. Compensation is a big set-up for injury since
makes a specific area function differently than it was designed. Third,
you'll give your muscles room to grow by "unbinding" them.

What Next? As
I mentioned in the beginning of this article, not all of the
aforementioned information is practical. This is an article that's
intended to help you understand "why" you perform mobility and
flexibility instead of "how." For the "how" part, you have a
few options. For the mobility exercises that you should perform before
your workouts, I highly recommend the Magnificent Mobility and Inside-Out DVDs that outline excellent lower- and upper-body mobility drills, respectively. You can purchase the DVDs by clicking here. After your workouts is when you should perform passive stretching. Here's a Testosterone article that outlines a good, basic stretching routine.

Conclusion You
might not think that fascia is very sexy or exciting, but damn it, it
should be. Please put this information to good use and you'll keep your
money in your pocket instead of contributing to a physical therapist's
retirement fund.

For more of Waterbury's information pick up his e-book The 10/10 Transformation here.
His book Muscle Revolution can be purchased here.
Waterbury is one of the world's leading experts on developing muscle
for the goal of enhancing performance. His novel training methods are
used by athletes, bodybuilders, figure models, and fitness enthusiasts
of all ages and from all walks of life. He has an M.S. in Physiology
from the University of Arizona, and he specializes in the
neurophysiology of human movement and performance. He currently trains,
consults and lectures around the country.
1.Janda V. J Prosth Dent. 56(4):484-487, 1996.

The Fascia and Muscle Link

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