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 Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young

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MessageGlute Training for Dudes by Mark Young

Glute Training for Dudes
by Mark Young

It seems every time you pass a newsstand, all the women's
fitness mags are having a "special glute edition," but
very rarely do you see an article dedicated to glute training for
However, the truth is that dedicated glute training can not only
do unsexy things like injury prevention, but it can also increase
strength and it might just land you a date with the girl you hit on
every day by the water cooler.

Injury Prevention
In my personal experience I've found that glute weakness is
related to three types of training related injuries. If
you're not interested in all the anatomy geek details
I've included a non-geek summary at the end of each section to
give you a quick breakdown without all of the scientific mumbo

1) Knee Pain
The main issue here is that most people have excessively tight
hip flexors, particularly the tensor fascia latae (TFL). They
also tend to have weak glutes, causing an imbalance at the hip that
leads to excessive medial rotation of the femur, lateral tracking
of the patella and, most importantly, knee pain.
By strengthening the glutes (particularly the gluteus maximus
and the posterior portion of the glute medius), the medial rotation
of the hip is corrected and the knee pain will start to
disappear. Combine this with some foam rolling of the TFL, IT
band, and some stretching of the tight hip flexors and you have a
recipe for healthy knees.
Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young Image001

Ultimately, complete knee rehab is beyond the scope of this
article, but Mike Robertson's Bulletproof Knees program is an excellent resource for those who want more
information on this topic.
Non Geek Summary: Foam rolling and stretching of the hip
flexors along with strengthening of the glutes leads to healthy,
pain-free knees.

2) Lower Back Injury
Technically the glutes and hamstrings are hip extensors and the
erector spinae have no direct influence on hip extension.
However, when performing a deadlift, all three muscles must act to
fully complete the movement. When one muscle (typically the
glutes) doesn't function properly the other muscles have to
take up the slack.
This is very much like when you were a kid getting assigned to
do a group project at school. Invariably there was one guy in
the group named Mikey who was too busy picking his nose and eating
paste to be bothered so the rest of the group had to do all the
work. Fortunately, you could just dunk Mikey's head in a
toilet at recess to resolve the issue.
In the case of the deadlift, when the glutes are weak the
"locked out" position never truly happens because the
hips are never completely extended and the body only reaches the
upright position by contraction of the erector spinae and
hyperextension of the lower back. In this position the discs
of the lower lumbar spine are particularly susceptible to
Non Geek Summary: Strengthening the glutes causes
less force to be put on the lower spine during exercises like the
deadlift making back injury less likely. If your glutes are
weak the next snap, crackle, pop you hear may not be from your
child's breakfast cereal.

3) Pulled Hamstrings
By now you should know that sprint type training is superior to
endurance type training for fat loss. This is great news for
everyone who finds spending an hour on the treadmill as boring as
watching Terms of Endearment on a Friday night.
Unfortunately, many people trying to take advantage of this type of
training experience hamstring pulls from sprinting as a result of
having weak glutes.
During a sprinting stride both the glutes and hamstrings assist
in propelling the body forward with an explosive extension of the
hip joint. However, as mentioned above, when the glutes are
weak other muscles have to compensate. In the case of
sprinting, the hamstrings are often pulled as a result of trying to
make up for the force not being produced by the gluteals.
Non Geek Summary: Weak glutes can lead to hamstring
pulls which means your lower body training and interval training
will have to take a back seat until you're healed.
Strengthen the glutes and this issue can be easily avoided.

Whether you want to lift heavy to build a muscular physique or
just for the sake of throwing heavy shit around, it's
absolutely essential to have a strong posterior chain.
Essentially, the goal is to have strong muscles from the back of
the knees to the back of the neck. If you do this, your
squats, deadlifts, snatches, and cleans, will be heavier and your
overall strength will explode.
If only one link in that chain is weak, every movement that
involves the posterior chain will suffer and your weights will
remain wussified for all eternity... or at least until you fix
that link. Instead of focusing on the movements you're
good at, the best course of action is to identify what is weak and bring it up.
If you're like most people, your glutes are probably the
worst offender and by increasing their strength and level of
activation your lifts will blow through the roof like the Kool Aid
guy smashing through a wall.

Physical Appearance
Now I know everybody here is lifting strictly for health (note
the sarcasm), but if you were to consider the effects of glute
training on your physique you might like to know that women check
out your body, too. In fact, you might also like to know that
they don't find it sexy when your ass is so flat that it looks
like you just poured pancake batter down the back of your
To make matters worse, having weak glutes leads to a postural
fault called anterior pelvic tilt where your lower back is lordodic
(hyperextended), making your butt stick out in the back and your
stomach stick out in the front.

This is one reason why someone who is relatively lean can
actually look like they have a stomach when they actually
don't. As sexy as this sounds, I would guess that most
women don't dream of a guy that has a stomach he can rest his
dinner plate on and a flat butt that sticks out.
Training your glutes can dramatically improve your lordodic
posture and give your backside some shape so you don't have to
staple your pants to your lower back just to get them to stay

The Glute Specialization Routine
The workout below incorporates several exercises that will
heavily emphasize the posterior chain to decrease injury risk, make
you crazy strong, and build a woman attracting glute max.
Several of the exercises are unilateral which will also help you
sort out any side to side imbalances you've developed during
your usual training program.
I should note that many of these exercises look a lot easier
than they actually are. Don't be fooled. If
you're doing these right you'll hardly be able to sit on
the toilet for the next 5 days.

Foam Rolling
I won't go into too much detail here because this topic has
been covered in much more detail HERE.
Simply perform some foam rolling on your hip flexors, quads, TFL,
and IT Band prior to training. These are probably tight or
stiff and will impact your ability to maximally activate your
glutes. If you don't have a foam roller yet, get
on it!

Mobility Work
The primary goal here is to increase mobility at the hips and
ankles prior to lower body work. This also increases muscle
temperature and neural drive to the muscles about to be used for
training. If you don't recognize any of the drills below
I'd highly suggest the Magnificent Mobility DVD.

Ankle Mobility Drill
Front to Back Leg Swings
Side to Side Leg Swings
Knee Hugs
Pull Back Butt Kicks
Walking Spidermans
Glute Activation
If your glutes are underdeveloped, it's imperative you
perform some kind of activation work prior to performing this
program. The goal here is to simply "awaken" the
dormant muscles so we can train them effectively.
The routine is adapted from a program I first saw created by
Mike Robertson. It's based on the concept of reciprocal
inhibition which means that when one muscle is tight (or
contracted), the opposing muscle is shut down. For example,
flexing the biceps relaxes the triceps and vice versa. When
it comes to the hip joint, tightness in the hip flexors can shut
down the glutes so it's imperative that we stretch them prior
to activating the glute muscles.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch — Hold for
30 seconds per leg
Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young Image003

Make sure to keep the body upright and sink forward until you
feel a moderate stretch in the hip of the back leg. Do not
place the hands on the front thigh to limit the stretch.
Repeat on the opposite leg. With no rest go immediately into
the next drill:

Glute Bridge — Perform 10

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This exercise, affectionately called "sky humps" by
one of our clients, is performed by lying on your back and pushing
through the feet to raise the hips off the floor until the hip
joint is extended.
The key here is to contract the glutes at the top of the
movement with very little involvement of the hamstrings. If
you feel your hamstrings contracting, try putting your hands on
your quads and pushing out slightly through the toes instead of
pulling the feet towards you. With no rest go immediately
into the next stretch.

Quadruped Piriformis Stretch — Hold for
30 seconds per leg.
Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young Image009

Side View
Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young Image011

Top View
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Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young :: Commentaires

Re: Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young
Message Jeu 27 Nov - 22:54 par mihou
I personally like this stretch more than the conventional supine
piriformis stretch because it's much easier on the knee
joint. To perform the stretch, get on your hands and knees
and cross the left ankle behind the right knee. Place the
left hand to the outside and lean the body to the left until you
feel a stretch in the piriformis. If you don't feel
anything try sitting backwards slightly to intensify the
stretch. Repeat on the opposite leg. With no rest go
immediately into the next drill.

Modified Fire Hydrants - Perform 10 repetitions per

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This exercise looks exactly as it sounds. Remain in the
quadruped (all fours) position and simply raise the leg out to the
side as though you're a dog with a filled-up bladder
confronting a fire hydrant.
The key to this exercise is to lead with the knee which will
result in a mild degree of external rotation and ensure the
activation of the gluteus medius. Be sure that all of the
motion occurs at the hip and avoid the temptation to rotate the
spine to bring the leg up higher. With no rest go immediately
into the next drill.

Glute Alphabet — Perform once with each
Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young Image017

While still on the hands and knees, raise one leg straight out
behind you. With this foot begin writing the alphabet in the
air starting with the letter "A" and try to work your way
to the end of the alphabet.
By the time you get half way through the alphabet your glutes
should be on fire. You'll probably notice that your
hand... errr... footwriting is about as uncoordinated as your
drunken uncle Larry after 16 beers, but this won't change the
effectiveness of the exercise.

Resistance Training

Single Leg Unsupported Squat

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This is probably one of my favorite exercises because
conventional single legged exercises (like lunges and Bulgarian
squats) just don't engage the gluteus medius to the same
degree as unsupported exercises like the single leg squat.
In the unsupported variation, the glute medius has to act to
prevent medial rotation of the femur. Since an underactive
gluteus medius is typically found in many people who suffer from
knee pain, this exercise is a great preventative measure for any
This exercise is surprisingly difficult and I've had many
grown men who can hardly perform the full 3 sets off a 15 inch

Warm Up: 1 set of 5 repetitions per leg
Working Sets: 3
Reps: 5-8 per leg (depending on your level of strength)
Rest Interval: 90 seconds
Notes: Perform the warm up on an 18" bench, box, or
platform with no added weight. Perform all working sets on a
15" box while holding a 5 pound dumbbell in each
Believe it or not, this will actually make your balance
easier. If you can easily complete all 8 repetitions on the
15" box you should move to a lower platform before trying to
increase the weight.

Start with the weaker leg and match the number of repetitions
with the stronger leg. If the discrepancy between the legs is
large, perform an additional set with the weaker leg only.

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift off Box

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I love the conventional single legged Romanian deadlift, but the
truth is that most people just can't perform it properly to
save their life. They're veering all over the place like
Britney Spears escaping rehab.
Instead, I like the off-the-box version because it allows the
lifter to regain balance between repetitions and use more
weight. It also takes away the ability to use the stretch
shortening cycle (the bounce) at the bottom of the movement
resulting in greater muscular contraction of the glutes and
To perform this movement you'll need to place two dumbbells
on a low box (about 8") or aerobic step. From here
you'll bend forward at the hip bringing one leg straight out
behind you in line with your body. (It helps to think of a
broomstick running from the foot to the back or your head all the
way to the ankle.)
From this position, slightly bend the planted leg and grasp the
dumbbells. Stand up by strongly contracting the glutes and
then drive the hips back as you lower to the starting
position to avoid falling forward. Make sure the dumbbells
come to a complete stop on the box between reps.
The trailing leg and the body should move as one unit.
Personally, I like to think of those drinking bird toys that you
can attach to the side of a glass. Balance will be difficult
at first, but over the course of a few weeks this movement should
become much easier and your weights should increase

Working Sets: 4
Reps: 6-8 per leg
Rest Interval: 90 seconds
Notes: As with the single leg squat, make sure to start with
your weaker leg. Add a set for that leg if the discrepancy is
glaringly obvious. Also, make sure the toes of the trailing
leg remain pointed directly at the floor for the whole
movement. For most people they tend to turn outward.

Bulgarian Squat

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While I thoroughly enjoy watching grown men suffer through the
unsupported squat above, the truth remains that you just can't
move as much weight in that movement as a supported movement like
this one.
To begin the torture session, place the trailing foot on the
bench and assume a long lunge position. While maintaining a
completely upright position, squat down until the rear knee almost
touches the floor and return to the start position. Try
holding dumbbells in each hand to make the movement more

Working Sets: 3
Reps: 12 per leg
Rest Interval: 90 seconds
Notes: If you have a tight rectus femoris on your rear leg, you
might find it very difficult to reach the bottom position without
bending forward. If this is the case you need to perform
stretching and foam rolling to that area to get that sorted
out. As with the exercises above, always start with the
weaker leg.

We all know by now that unilateral movements have several
advantages like ironing out side to side imbalances and increasing
proprioception, but they'll never match bilateral movements in
terms of absolute weight lifted, which is essential for strength
and hypertrophy.
To ensure that this movement fully targets the glutes, it's
imperative that you descend all the way past parallel to bring the
glutes and hamstrings into play. The deeper you can go
(without flexion of the lumbar spine), the better. In fact,
in this particular workout you'll be spending a whole lot of
time near the bottom position as you'll be using 1 and
1/2's to make the sure glutes are truly being targeted.

To perform this movement you'll lower to the bottom of the
squat, come half way up, return to the bottom, and finally come all
the way up. That counts as one rep. Avoid bouncing at
the bottom.

Working Sets: 4
Reps: 8-10
Special Technique: 1 and 1/2's
Rest Interval: 90 seconds
Notes: On the final set complete all 1 and 1/2's and
then immediately perform as many normal repetitions as possible
being sure to go all the way down on each rep.

Wrap Up
After this seemingly straightforward workout your glutes will be
so sore you may have to sit on an inflatable ring for the next
week. On the plus side, you'll be stronger, less prone
to injuries, and a whole lot sexier to the ladies once you train
that rump. Just don't let me see you dancing around at
your best friend's wedding to Baby Got Back.

About the Author

Mark Young is an exercise and nutrition consultant and co-owner
of Nutrex Solutions Private Personal Training in Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada. He has a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology and
has performed graduate level research in biomechanics and exercise
physiology at McMaster University. Visit
and sign up for the free newsletter to receive the complementary
mini manual, "An Expert's Guide to the Secrets of
Permanent Weight Loss."

© 1998 — 2008 Testosterone, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Glute Training for Dudes by Mark Young

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