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 The V-Workouts

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Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

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MessageThe V-Workouts

The V-Workouts 81781-pullupBW

older V-articles contained no specific workout, though I usually
recommended a Chad Waterbury plan. Waterbury has since written special
programs for every level of V-Dieter. Note that each level (beginner,
intermediate and advanced) has two phases: one for the first 4 strict
weeks, and one for the 2 Transition weeks.

The V-Workouts

The V-Diet exercise plan consists of two main things: a special weight
training program and NEPA-based walks. Here's an overview of each.

1. Weight Training: If you're not
going to perform some type of resistance training when dieting, then
don't bother dieting. Weight training while losing fat is essential.
Muscle is the primary determiner of your metabolic rate. Most dieters
lose muscle tissue as they lose fat, leading to metabolism damage and
yo-yo dieting.

What's more, most dieters are disappointed and de-motivated at the end
of their diets because they look flabby and flat. This is caused by a
simple lack of muscle or loss of muscle.

The V-Diet weight training program has been specially designed by
strength and conditioning specialist Chad Waterbury. You'll perform
resistance training three times per week on this plan. This will speed
the fat loss process and help you retain and even build lean muscle
tissue. When you finish the diet, you'll be leaner, harder, and more
defined, not flabby and weak!

2. NEPA Walks: There is no
traditional cardio or aerobics on the V-Diet plan. It's not necessary
and actually counterproductive. Excess cardio during a strict diet like
this can lead to muscle loss. Instead, you'll be focusing on NEPA or
Non-Exercise Physical Activity.

NEPA (sometimes called NEAT or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) is
basically all the moving around you do outside of the gym. A person
with a desk job gets very little NEPA, while a guy who works
construction and walks to work gets a lot. Simple really. Yet studies
show that just walking more each day leads to long term weight
management and improved overall health.

On the V-Diet and during the transition phase, you'll basically go for
a walk every day and seek to increase your natural level of NEPA.

Let's first take a look at Waterbury's resistance training program, then delve into the details of the NEPA walks.

HBT: Hard Body Training, by Chad Waterbury

There are three workout programs below designed especially for people using the Velocity Diet:

1. The Beginner Program -- Use this program if you're new to weight training or have been out of the gym for a few years.

2. The Intermediate Program -- This program is for those with two or three years of consistent lifting experience.

3. The Advanced Program -- The advanced program is for those who've
been training with weights consistently for at least the last three

Each program consists of two phases:

Phase I: This is the exercise program you'll use during the 28-day V-Diet.

Phase II: This is the program you'll use during the two-week transition phase of the diet.

The programs are designed for be used three times per week: Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Just pick the
one that best fits your experience level. (On your "off" days you will
still take your NEPA walk.)

The Beginner Program

PHASE I: V-Diet, 4 Weeks

Loading: Use the heaviest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets.

Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.


A1 Pulldown with supinated grip (palms facing you) for 4 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A2 Deadlift for 4 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A3 Decline dumbbell bench press for 4 reps
Rest 30 seconds and repeat A1-A3 five more times

Two sets of side plank hold for 30 seconds on each side

Note: When you see A1, A2, A3 etc. that means you perform one set of
the A1 exercise, then one set of the A2 exercise after resting, and
finally the A3 exercise. After a rest, you perform all three exercises
again for the required number of sets.

In the Monday workout above, you do a set of pulldowns, rest 30
seconds, a set of deadlifts, rest 30 seconds, then a set of decline
dumbbell bench presses. After another 30 second rest you repeat those
exercises five times. At the end of the workout, you perform the side
plank holds.

If you see B1, B2, B3 etc. that means you perform that circuit of
exercises after you're completely finished with the "A" movements.


A1 Standing alternating dumbbell shoulder press for 6 reps
Rest 35 seconds

A2 Alternating reverse lunge for 6 reps
Rest 35 seconds

A3 One-arm dumbbell row for 6 reps
Rest 35 seconds and repeat A1-A3 twice more

B1 Overhead dumbbell triceps extension for 6 reps
Rest 35 seconds

B2 Standing dumbbell hammer curl for 6 reps
Rest 35 seconds

B3 Bodyweight squat for 15 reps
Rest 35 seconds and repeat B1-B3 twice more

Two sets of plank hold for 45 seconds


A1 Dumbbell Romanian deadlift for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A2 Push-up for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A3 Wide-grip pulldown for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds and repeat A1-A3 twice more

B1 Standing dumbbell side raise for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

B2 Bent over dumbbell row for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

B3 Reverse crunch for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

B4 Step-ups for 8 reps on each leg
Rest 60 seconds and repeat B1-B4 twice more

Phase I Progression

Each week you're going to make the workout a little tougher by adding a
circuit, resting less, or adding a rep. Here's how to progress in the
beginner program:

Monday: Add one circuit to each workout. So by week 4 you'll perform 9
circuits of A1-A3. Increase the side plank hold by 10 seconds with each

Wednesday: Decrease each rest period by 5 seconds. So by week 4 you'll
rest only 20 seconds between each exercise. Increase the plank hold by
10 seconds with each workout.

Friday: Add one repetition to each set. So by week 4 you'll perform 11 reps for each exercise.

PHASE II: Transition, 2 Weeks

As you transition off the V-Diet, you'll use this modified training program.

Loading: Use the heaviest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets.

Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.


7 sets of pulldown with pronated grip (palms facing away from you) for 5 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

7 sets of dumbbell Romanian deadlift for 5 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

7 sets of dumbbell bench press for 5 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

2 sets of side plank hold for 60 seconds
Rest 45 seconds between each set

Note: These are straight sets. You'll perform all 7 sets of pulldowns
for example before moving on to the dumbbell Romanian deadlifts.


3 sets of reverse lunge for 8 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of one-arm dumbbell row for 8 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of narrow hand position push-up for 8 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of step-ups for 8 reps with each leg
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of dumbbell side raise for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

2 sets of plank hold for 75 seconds
Rest 45 seconds between each set


3 sets of push press for 12 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of pulldown with palms-up grip for 12 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of dumbbell bench press for 12 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of reverse crunch for 12 reps
Rest 30 seconds between each set

3 sets of bodyweight squats for 20 reps
Rest 45 seconds between each set

The Intermediate Program

PHASE I: V-Diet, 4 Weeks

Loading: Use the heaviest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets.

Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.


A1 Wide-grip pull-up for 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A2 Deadlift for 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A3 Dip for 3 reps
Rest 30 seconds and repeat A1-A3 six more times

2 sets of side plank hold for 45 seconds on each side

Note: When you see A1, A2, A3 etc. that means you perform one set of
the A1 exercise, then one set of the A2 exercise after resting, and
finally the A3 exercise. After a rest, you perform all three exercises
again for the required number of sets.

In the Monday workout above, you do a set of pull-ups, rest 30 seconds,
a set of deadlifts, rest 30 seconds, then a set of dips. After another
30 second rest you repeat those exercises six times. At the end of the
workout, you perform the side plank holds.

If you see B1, B2, B3 etc. that means you perform that circuit of
exercises after you're completely finished with the "A" movements.


A1 Standing alternating dumbbell shoulder press for 4 reps
Rest 35 seconds

A2 Alternating forward lunge for 4 reps
Rest 35 seconds

A3 One-arm dumbbell row for 4 reps
Rest 35 seconds and repeat A1-A3 three more times

B1 Overhead dumbbell triceps extension for 4 reps
Rest 35 seconds

B2 Standing dumbbell hammer curl for 4 reps
Rest 35 seconds

B3 Front squat for 4 reps
Rest 35 seconds and repeat B1-B3 three more times

2 sets of plank hold for 60 seconds


A1 Dumbbell Romanian deadlift for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A2 Bench press for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

A3 Chin-up for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds and repeat A1-A3 three more times

B1 Standing dumbbell side raise for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

B2 Bent over barbell row for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

B3 Reverse crunch for 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds

B4 Reverse lunge for 8 reps on each leg
Rest 60 seconds and repeat B1-B4 three more times
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Re: The V-Workouts
Message Jeu 7 Aoû - 12:26 par mihou
Phase I Progression

Each week you'll make the workout harder by adding a circuit, resting
less, or adding a repetition. Here's how to progress in the
intermediate program:

Monday: Add one circuit to each workout. So by week 4 you'll perform 10
circuits of A1-A3. Increase the side plank hold by 10 seconds with each

Wednesday: Decrease each rest period by 5 seconds. So by week 4 you'll
rest only 20 seconds between each exercise. Increase the plank hold by
10 seconds with each workout.

Friday: Add one repetition to each set. So by week 4 you'll perform 11 reps for each exercise.

PHASE II: Transition, 2 Weeks

As you transition off the V-Diet, you'll use the training program below.

Loading: Use the heaviest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets.

Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.


8 sets of medium grip pull-up for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

8 sets of sumo deadlift for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

8 sets of barbell bench press for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

2 sets of side plank hold for 75 seconds

Rest 45 seconds between each set

Note: These are straight sets. For example, you'll perform all 8 sets of pull-ups before moving on to the sumo deadlifts.


4 sets of reverse lunge for 7 reps with each leg

Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of bent over barbell row with palms-up grip for 7 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of feet-elevated narrow hand position push-up for 7 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of good morning for 7 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

2 sets of plank hold for 90 seconds

Rest 45 seconds between each set


3 sets of dumbbell Romanian deadlift for 12 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of hammer curl with overhead press for 12 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of push-up for 12 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of reverse crunch for 12 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

2 sets of back squat for 12 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

The Advanced Program

PHASE I: V-Diet, 4 Weeks

Loading: Use the heaviest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets.

Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.


A1 Wide-grip pull-up for 3 reps

Rest 30 seconds

A2 Overhead squat for 3 reps

Rest 30 seconds

A3 Dip for 3 reps

Rest 30 seconds and repeat A1-A3 six more times

Two sets of side plank hold for 60 seconds on each side

Note: As an advanced gym goer, you probably know this, but here's a
quick review. Those A1, A2, A3 designations mean that you perform one
set of the A1 exercise, then one set of the A2 exercise after resting,
and finally the A3 exercise. After one more rest, you perform all three
exercises again for the required number of sets.

In the Monday workout above, you do a set of pull-ups, rest 30 seconds,
a set of overhead squats, rest 30 seconds, then a set of dips. After
another 30 second rest you repeat those exercises six times. At the end
of the workout, you perform the side plank holds.

If you see B1, B2, B3 etc. that means you perform that circuit of
exercises after you're completely finished with the "A" movements.


A1 Dumbbell shoulder press with forward lunge for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Note: This is a combo lift -- two exercises performed together. Press
the dumbbells overhead as you lunge forward. Lower the dumbbells as you
return to the start position.

A2 Dumbbell hang clean for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds

A3 One-arm dumbbell row for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds and repeat A1-A3 three more times

B1 Close-grip bench press for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds

B2 Standing barbell curl for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds

B3 Front squat for 4 reps

Rest 30 seconds and repeat B1-B3 three more times

Two sets of plank hold for 90 seconds


A1 Power clean for 6 reps

Rest 40 seconds

A2 Clap push-up for 6 reps

Rest 40 seconds

A3 Chin-up for 6 reps

Rest 40 seconds and repeat A1-A3 three more times

B1 Standing dumbbell side raise for 6 reps

Rest 40 seconds

B2 Bent over barbell row for 6 reps

Rest 40 seconds

B3 Reverse crunch on slant board for 6 reps

Rest 40 seconds

B4 Reverse lunge with hammer curl for 6 reps on each side

Rest 60 seconds and repeat B1-B4 three more times

Phase I Progression

Each week you'll make the workout harder by adding a circuit, resting
less, or adding a repetition. Here's how to progress in the advanced

Monday: Add one circuit to each workout. So by week 4 you'll perform 10
circuits of A1-A3. Increase the side plank hold by 10 seconds with each

Wednesday: Add one repetition to each set. So by week 4 you'll perform
7 reps for each exercise. Increase the plank hold by 10 seconds with
each workout.

Friday: Decrease each rest period by 5 seconds. So by week 4 you'll rest 25 seconds between each exercise.

PHASE II: Transition, 2 Weeks

As you transition off the V-Diet, you'll use the training program below.

Loading: Use the heaviest load you can manage with perfect form for all sets.

Tempo: Perform the lifting and lowering phases as fast as possible while maintaining perfect form.


8 sets of chin-up for 3 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

8 sets of power clean for 3 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

8 sets of push press for 3 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

2 sets of side plank hold for 90s

Rest 45 seconds between each set

Note that unlike the previous phase, these are straight sets. You'll
perform all 8 sets of chins for example before moving to the power


4 sets of forward lunge with hammer curl for 7 reps with each leg

Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of dip for 7 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of bent over row for 7 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of front squat for 6 reps

3 sets of good morning for 6 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

2 sets of plank hold for 120 seconds

Rest 45 seconds between each set


4 sets of dumbbell Romanian deadlift for 10 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of neutral-grip dumbbell shoulder press for 10 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

4 sets of wide-grip pull-up for 8 reps

Rest 60 seconds between each set

4 sets of feet-elevated push-up for 12 reps

Rest 45 seconds between each set

3 sets of back squat for 10 reps

Rest 60 seconds between each set

2 sets of reverse crunch on slant board for 12 reps

Rest 30 seconds between each set

The NEPA Walk

It's as simple as this: Go for a walk every day.

The idea here is to drain off a few calories to speed the fat loss
process without impairing recovery and without taking any energy away
from the weight training workouts. A good walk will actually speed up
the recovery process and has been called the simplest form of GPP or
General Physical Preparedness.

The key here is to make the decision to walk everyday, rain or shine, busy or not.


1. The average person walks between 3 and 3.5 MPH. (Men walk about .5
miles per hour faster than women.) For your NEPA walk, shoot for around
4 MPH. If you're walking outside and not on a treadmill that shows you
the speed, simply aim to walk faster than your normal pace. This isn't
"speed walking," just walking faster than normal.

2. You can choose to walk for a certain distance or for a certain
amount of time. Depending on your fitness level and the time you have,
you can shoot for 30 to 60 minutes of fast walking or two to four
miles. At 4 MPH, you can walk one mile in 15 minutes.

3. You may walk outside or inside on a treadmill. Walking on a
treadmill actually burns a few less calories than walking outside, but
this isn't a big deal. Simply incline the treadmill slightly and the
calorie-burning will be increased as the posterior chain muscles are
called into play.

4. While you can take your walk any time of the day -- morning, at
lunch, or in the evening -- many experts believe that walking in the
morning before you eat leads to faster fat loss. While I'd never
suggest performing strenuous cardio in this fasted state (which could
lead to muscle loss), a brisk walk is fine. Still, it's no big deal:
get your walk in whenever you can, just never miss a day!

Warning: You will not "make the diet faster" by going for long runs,
doing sprints, or taking hour-long aerobics classes. You will impede
recovery, have less energy, and possibly cause your body to catabolize
(eat up) lean muscle tissue, which will in turn wreck your metabolism.

Remember, the diet itself does most of the fat burning here and the
weight training builds and/or helps you retain the metabolism-boosting
muscle. Traditional cardio and aerobics just aren't necessary while on
the V-Diet, and may even be counterproductive.

Daily NEPA Boosts: Seek Movement

Along with your daily NEPA walk, I want you to "seek movement." In other words, try to increase your natural NEPA. How?

* Park farther away from stores or your place of work than you have to. Get a little extra walking in.

* Take the stairs. If you have to take an escalator, walk it, don't just ride it.

* Carry your luggage; don't roll it.

Sounds simple, but these small daily actions can lead to additional fat
loss, long term weight loss maintenance, and improved health. Make them
a lifetime habit and your lifetime will be long and lean!

The V-Workouts

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