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 Ladies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:10 Reps After Only 6 Wks

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Ladies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:10 Reps After Only 6 Wks Empty
MessageLadies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:10 Reps After Only 6 Wks

Ladies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:
10 Reps After Only 6 Weeks!
by Leigh Peele
Ladies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:10 Reps After Only 6 Wks Image001

The pull-up is the ultimate Girl Power exercise. For
some women, it's a myth, a fable told by others. They have heard of
some women doing it, but have never actually seen it done, and
certainly haven't been able to do it themselves. The pull-up isn't merely an exercise or a movement, it's the ultimate
in female empowerment. Put a woman in front of a bunch of strong men
and have her squat, run, and jump. The dudes may make some appreciative
comments, but that's about it. However, put that same woman on a
pull-up bar and let her start knocking out rep after perfect rep, and I
assure you that every man in that room will stare in a mixture of awe,
admiration, and (most deliciously of all) envy. I've seen it
happen, and let me tell ya, it's a beautiful thing. The pull-up is the
Great Equalizer: it evens the playing field, bridging the chasm between
the boys and the girls. Sad to think that many women will
never be able to knock out those perfect reps, never be the object of
male awe and envy, because the pull-up is, for many women, one of the
toughest exercises to conquer. You, on the other hand, are one
of the lucky ones, because you're reading this article. For you, those
ten perfect pull-ups are definitely within your grasp.

Anatomy of a Pull-up Before
you can conquer the pull-up, you must know your adversary: understand
how the pull-up works. First, you need to look at the variation of
grips. A change in grip changes muscles targeted, and technically, even
changes the name of the exercises themselves (pull-ups as opposed to
chin-ups). For the purpose of this article, we are going to be talking
about three different grips, and the importance of each to your
training. Pronated grip: this is the standard pull-up grip of palms facing forward/overhand on the bar. Supinated grip: this is the chin-up style grip of palms facing upward/underhand grip on the bar. Neutral grip: this is your natural inclination style of grip, palms facing medial grip on a parallel bar.
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Neutral (parallel) grip. Different
grips target different muscles in different ways. For example, a
pronated grip is king and best at hitting the latissimus dorsi muscles
of the back. With a pronated grip there is less stress and usage of the
biceps brachii when compared to a supinated (chin-up) grip. The neutral
grip utilizes your brachilalis and brachioradialis muscles in a way
that neither of the other two grips do. For some with chronic
shoulder problems and impingements, the standard pull-up grip just
isn't a great idea, and you may need to do all exercises with a
supinated grip. However, if recovering from persistent elbow problems,
being able to lower yourself properly in a negative exercise might be
tougher in a supinated grip. If you're a complete mess, try the neutral
style grip and go from there. Otherwise, follow the program as written,
with grip alternations.

It's the Little Things that Matter The
success of doing a pull-up, as with all compound movements, becomes a
game of finding where your weakness is. The main muscle usage for a
pull-up should be from the back. From a hang position, you should fire
primarily in your latissimus dorsi, and start off a chain of support,
lifting your body more with your back and core than with your arms. The
most common mistake in a pull-up is failing to fire the back properly,
or at all. Consider that the average person gets their guns not from
curls, but from doing brute-strength arms-dominant chin-up work. A
good exercise and test for this is the hang bar lift. The purpose of
this movement is to see if you can properly control the firing of your
back muscles to then coordinate the rest of the proper chain of events.
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The hang bar lift is a good test of your lat control. To
do the hang bar lift, position yourself in a dead hang on the bar. This
can be weight assisted or not, that aspect doesn't matter, but you need
to be fully extended in a dead hang. You want to almost completely lock
your elbows and paralyze your arm movement on the bar so that when you
raise yourself up into a shrug, you're using only your back to lift
yourself. The movement is subtle: you're only causing a small
movement and firing almost completely with your lats. Your grip on the
bar may be tired from the hang, but all the work of lifting yourself
into that movement should come from your back and back alone. If you feel any pain at all in your shoulders, then switch grips to supinated or neutral.

Full Range of Motion Cheating
a pull-up is going to cheat yourself out of success. Some of the
ugliest half range pull-ups I've ever seen were largely due to weak
rhomboids and lower trap muscles. A proper pull-up (with whatever grip
you utilize) is from a dead hang to an above bar raise, and then
lowered back down into controlled dead hang.
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Cheating will only cheat yourself out of your victory. That
lowering back down is where a lot of people miss out of the full
potential of this exercise, leading to overstrained lats, tight
pectorals, weak rhomboids and lower traps. Pull-ups and chin-ups, when
done with the correct range of motion, are quick and excellent tools
for improving a large amount of muscle weakness and imbalance. Done
wrong, they just make it worse. Don't just drop once you reach the top,
you earned getting up there, earn getting back down.

Beyond the Back You
know why gymnasts rock the pull-up? They are notorious for strong
cores. A weak core means a weak stabilization system and while it may
not seem like a big deal swinging around on that bar and lacking the
ability to stabilize force upward, it'll hurt your pull-up.
Ladies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:10 Reps After Only 6 Wks ChinUpb
strong player in your pull-up ability is your actual forearm strength
and grip. Any of you involved in a good deadlifting program understand
the importance that grip strength plays in being able to hold that bar
up. Well what kind of role and importance do you think is going to
occur when your body becomes the force of that bar?

The Assistants In
this program you're going to have to use the aid of assistance in your
pull-ups. Each has its pros and cons, so in the end you should use
whatever you can to progress. Assist machine:
this is the easiest method to help assist you. These machines work on
the method of giving you opposing weight to help aid in lifting you
upwards. The con though is they can help aid you too much and take out
some of that stability work that you can earn with using some other
methods. Partner or wall assistant:
I love using partner assisted pull-ups because they automatically throw
off stability, help give that mental push, and allow for a lot more
resistance control. Don't utilize the partner so much to help raise
you; do that only as a last resort on forced reps. Instead utilize your
partners body/wall to aid your legs in assisting to help pull yourself
up. This way you get more core and leg training along with your pull-up
work. Bands: these are likely
the best in assistance because they offer changing resistance use of
stabilization, make it very hard to cheat, and offer portability. The
flip side is they can be a bit tricky to work with, and as your
resistance needs change, your band needs will change as well.
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Ladies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:10 Reps After Only 6 Wks :: Commentaires

Bands are best, but tricky to work with. You
almost have to break down and analyze the movement as if you're trying
to figure out a complex puzzle. Why doesn't this work? What am I
missing here? Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
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While I can't help you find Carmen, I can shed some light on what we do know about pull-ups. Here it is:

It's Not All About Muscle Mass

think she can do ten pull ups? Your ability to do a pull-up has very
little to do with your muscle mass, but a lot to do with muscle endurance.
In fact, the less overall mass you have, the easier a pull-up is going
to be. If you don't believe it, just watch a skinny-as-a-rail, low
grade gymnast girl whoop. I've been witness to the frustration
of a big brute strong woman raising exterior weight above their body,
but not even coming close to going from dead hang to pull-up on the
bar. Muscle size and amount has nothing to do with it.

The Military Knows Pull-ups
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don't always agree with everything the military does, particularly when
it comes to training, but I've gotta admit they know the three most
important secrets to pull-up success: frequency, frequency, and
frequency. If you're looking to increase bodyweight pull-ups and
pushups, then you need to take a clue from them. Bodyweight training is
a completely different animal than external weight training, especially
depending upon the goal. Almost all of us have the ability to
do a bodyweight squat, without any prior training. You have to add
weight, or else you're not going to improve your strength or ability in
this exercise. Pull-ups are different. Most people can't even do one withoutweight, so addingweight won't help much. The only way to get better at doing pull-ups is todo more pull-ups. Frequency is the key for bodyweight exercises. The
military has a simple rule: when in doubt, knock 'em out. Every day,
multiple times a day, you just do them, over and over again. Like it or
not, it works. Of course, being so gung-ho has its downsides, which
range from overtraining to severe CNS fatigue and injury.

Higher Body Fat Equals No Pull-ups I
already mentioned that people carrying more muscle mass would have a
harder time doing a pull-up. What if you're carrying extra weight in
the form of excess body fat? If you're an overweight guy or girl, the
probability of lifting yourself over that bar can be summed up in two
words: fat chance. And unfortunately, "overweight" in this case isn't
as much as you might think. Just 4-5% higher body fat and your chances
just got cut in half. If you're going to achieve your pull-ups, you
have to get lean. If you don't like being lower in weight and leaner,
then this is going to be a lot harder for you. Not impossible, but a lot harder.

Most Men Can't Do Pull-ups, Either Contrary to what most women believe, the average guy can't even do one
pull-up. In fact, a lot of guys will really benefit from this program,
and probably learn a few things, too. How come men can't do pull-ups?
For the exact same reasons that women can't. Again, this exercise evens
the playing field, and that's why I love it.
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The average guy is a pathetic little worm who can't even do one pull-up.

Do More to Get More This
isn't an exercise where you can monkey around with lots of other
things. The best way to get better at something is to just do it. If
you're learning to play the guitar you don't practice on the piano even
if it does strengthen your fingers. That doesn't mean that this program
isn't going to help you work on your muscle weakness that make doing
that one pull-up easier, but it does mean that once you get to the
point of actually doing them, then you should focus on doing more of

The Diet I'm prescribing a
cutting diet because most of you aren't lean enough to make this as
easy as it should be, remember the lower your body fat, the easier it
is. If you're already lean and just need the training, then ignore the
diet. If you're above 20% body fat, get to cutting.
3 days a week: 10 x bodyweight in calories; 1.0 grams x bodyweight in protein
2 days a week: 9 x bodyweight in calories; 1.2 grams x bodyweight in protein
2 days a week: 13 x bodyweight in calories; 0.8 grams x bodyweight in protein Substitute: Two meals every day with a Metabolic Drive shake and two servings of Flameout.

On a cutting diet, substitute two meals a day with a Metabolic Drive shake.

Have two servings of Flameout
with your meal-replacement shake. Walk: 60 minutes daily. This can be
done a little at a time: it doesn't have to be done all at once. This
isn't overly complicated. Keep
the calories low, keep the protein high. Try to make your fats and
carbohydrates good choices, and don't neglect your starches. You don't
have to pick this diet but it gets it done and done fast. I will say
that if doing an extremely low calorie diet, this may not be the time
to do this program. This is more for a moderately aggressive dieting
down program.

The Program: Strong Enough for a Man, but Made for a Woman I've
modified this program from a previous one to increase your results even
faster, and to advance you to a stage where you have the best chance of
knocking out rep after rep in no time. This program isn't about gaining
mass; this program isn't about getting ready for a figure competition.
All the exercises are to increase your strengths and weakness that are
involved here. I don't want to hear "what about my deadlift?" This
isn't about your deadlift, this is about your pull-ups.
Weeks 1-3 Sets: 4
Reps: 15 (or failure)
Rest: 45-60 seconds
Warm Up Arm Claps
Scap Pushups
Golfer Pick ups
Days 1 and 4 Negatives with pronated grip
Face Pulls
One-legged Dumbbell Deadlifts
Farmer's Walks
Days 2 and 5 Negatives with supinated grip
Lat Pulldown
Front Dumbbell Squats
Plank Progressions
Days 3 and 6 Assisted Pull-ups with supinated grip
Swiss Ball Jack Knifes
Day 7 Rest
Weeks 4-6 Sets: 4
Reps: 10 (or failure)
Rest: 45-60 seconds
Warm Ups Wall Slides
Chest Stretch to Lunge Twist
Lat Foam Rolls
Days 1 and 4 Assisted Pull-ups with pronated grip
Seated Rows
Swiss Ball Chest Fly
Days 2 and 5 Assisted Pull-ups with neutral grip
Step-ups (no push offs)
Ab Wheel Rollouts
Days 3 and 6 Pull-ups (any grip)
Side Planks
Day 7 Rest
At the end of this, if you're lean enough and you push yourself hard
enough, you should easily be able to pump out ten perfect pull-ups. At
the very least, keep focusing on your cut and try again. Remember, the
P in pull-up stands for persistence.
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Peele is a personal trainer who received her certification from the
National Academy of Sports Medicine. She has also earned certifications
in nutrition consultation, training special populations, and weight
management. Her clients range from college athletes and professional
fighters to housewives and obese seniors. A nationally-published author
and a leader in the study of metabolic behavior and recovery, Leigh is
the one to go to when nothing else has worked. Find out more about
Leigh's work at Avidity Fitness and The Fat Loss Troubleshoot.

Ladies, You Can Conquer the Pull-Up:10 Reps After Only 6 Wks

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