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 PEERS and the Team 22/10/2007

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exploring personal and global transformation, it is important to talk
about the concept of fluid intelligence in relation to the ability to
and expand our awareness. Fluid intelligence has little to do
IQ or "book" intelligence. It is rather the ability to step
outside of our beliefs and consider information which does not fit into
our previously accepted view of reality.

deepest beliefs and conceptions about life and the world are to some
degree conditioned by our childhood experiences, our education, the mass
media, and various other external influences. An individual's level of
fluid intelligence can be determined based on the degree to which he or
she is able to let go of previously held conceptions on encountering
reliable information or experiences which show these conceptions to be
mistaken or overly simplistic.

At the
other end of the spectrum from fluid intelligence is static intelligence.
When those with a high degree of static intelligence encounter
which seriously questions the established paradigm, they attempt to
discredit the new information using laws and principles previously
agreed upon under the old paradigm. If they fail at this, the new
information is then deemed not worthy of study and discarded. At worst,
the new evidence is actively attacked as being irrational or
even though it may be easily verified.

Scientists with a high degree of fluid intelligence who are
attracted to study matters outside the current paradigm are often
kooks or wacky by those operating with static intelligence. Yet history
shows us that it is often these "kooky" scientists who go on to
make the most astonishing discoveries which pave the way for entire new
areas of study which were once considered nonsense. Einstein, Galileo,
Pasteur were all ridiculed at times by adherents to the old paradigm of
their day for their amazing discoveries which ushered in entire new
branches of knowledge.

All of us are sometimes resistant to letting go of old
beliefs, while at other times we are excited to explore new ways of
thinking and being.
Static intelligence and fluid intelligence
are but two ends of a continuum, and each of us may shift to varying
points on that continuum over time. We encourage you as much as possible
while reading through the materials on our website to prepare yourself
the unexpected and to choose the more fluid end of this spectrum.
asking for guidance and support in exploring areas where you might feel
stuck in old belief patterns.

recent years, many key pioneers have been successful in operating within
the modern scientific paradigm with a very high degree of fluid
intelligence. These courageous individuals have used accepted scientific
principles and careful research to challenge old paradigm beliefs. Below
are a few shining examples of this pioneering group:

  • Stanford University's neuropsychologist Karl
    Pribram and his in-depth studies of the holographic qualities of
  • University of Connecticut Psychologist Kenneth Ring who completed breakthrough studies of near-death
  • Dr.
    Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ (see his excellent paper) of Stanford Research Institute in
    their copious studies of remote viewing and nonlocality.
  • UCLA's

    Valerie Hunt in her systematic studies of human energy fields and
    measurable psychic phenomena.
  • Princeton's PEAR Laboratory (now closed) which established the
    ability of consciousness to interact with physical matter.
  • Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe
    which teaches methods to achieve out of body experiences and remote
    viewing. (See his landmark book Far Journeys.)
  • The
    many pioneers of quantum physics who are finding that for deeper
    understanding of our world, it may be impossible to separate the physical
    world from consciousness.

Two classics which challenge static scientific paradigms
using reliable, verifiable research from hundreds of scientific studies
are the books The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot and
The Field by Lynne McTaggart.
paradigm-busting film What the Bleep!? covers similar territory in a
very fun way. We highly recommend these engaging books and film for
who are interested in exploring the work of scientists who are promoting
greater awareness of ourselves and our universe, and helping people to
develop more fluidity in consciousness.

In the
old paradigm, static intelligence generally does not acknowledge the
existence of a non-physical consciousness apart from a brain. In the new
paradigm, quantum physics is increasingly acknowledging that
may be the most critical factor in what determines reality. Static
intelligence places high priority on stability and security. Fluid
intelligence welcomes change and even chaos
as potential vehicles for personal and global spiritual growth.

The materials presented on this website are designed both
to inspire fluidity and to challenge rigid beliefs of the old
In moving through the site, you may find some of your
beliefs about the world challenged. Please understand that we have no
desire in this material to make you believe anything. Yet we are
interested in challenging all of us to open to more expanded levels of
belief and experience in all aspects of our lives.

entire website provides an abundance of rich
material which challenges us to explore more expansive and integrated
ways of living together through stretching beyond our old beliefs and
conceptions. It invites us to explore reliable, verifiable information
which suggests that the commonly held view of the way things work in the
world may be very simplistic and distorted. The website also encourages
all to move toward less secrecy and greater transparency as we work
together to support what's best for all who share our world.

Transparency and Dynamic Fields of Energy and

are many levels of consciousness within each
one of us. It is not uncommon for us to have beliefs or
knowledge at one level of consciousness which are
in complete opposition to that of another level.
On one level we
may know, as Galileo once contended, that the Earth is the third planet
from the sun. We also know that our solar system is located in one arm of
a spiral galaxy far from its center, which is far from the location
of the Big Bang which allegedly formed the universe. Yet on another
level, the Earth is for us in our lives right now the very center of our
universe, as the church once argued against Galileo.

On an
expanded level of consciousness, we may know that each of us and all of
humanity is meant to find ways to let go of anger and to live in peace
harmony with each other. Yet on a more contracted level, we may feel
justified in being quite angry and upset
at someone in our family or at some world leader. Something that
very much makes sense on one level may appear quite "illogical" on
Though our minds might like to convince us otherwise, most of us walk
through life with
many contradictions within our consciousness.

As we
become increasingly transparent to ourselves and
others, we naturally become more open and better
able to interpret what is happening both in ourselves and others. We
become more intuitive or even psychic. By choosing to be transparent,
the inconsistencies within us and in the world become increasingly
apparent, thus allowing us greater choice in
how we deal with them. Through choosing to identify, understand, and
transform the inconsistencies within ourselves, they can actually become
potent teachers inviting us to deepen our spirituality if we allow them

The more coherently we believe something on all
levels of consciousness, the more the
universe tends to shape itself around those
The more deeply we know something to be true, the more
likely it is to manifest in our lives. This however, does not necessarily
mean that it will be true for others.
Each person—through their interpretation of what happens to them
throughout life—develops their own
version of reality, which has varying amounts of overlap with those who
share this physical world with them.

some have a greater ability to influence the
beliefs of those around them than others. Those who have a very
strong, coherent, optimistic energy field that is directed outwards
generally appear dynamic and charismatic to others. They are thus more
easily be able to convince those around them of what they believe or know
to be
true. They are often considered to be great communicators and
people. This does not necessarily mean, however, that they know "The

the other hand, a more "shy" person or one who keeps their energy more
or directed inward may have a knowingness about something just as
as an
outgoing charismatic person, but because of their shyness or
are much less likely (or may not even want) to persuade others to
believe as
they do.

There is no ultimate right or wrong here. Whether we
to direct our energy more outward or inward, each of us is doing what we
believe to be right in each moment. Yet the more transparent we are to
ourselves and to the world around us, the more consciously we can make
choices. And the more fluid we are in expanding our intelligence and
beliefs, the more powerfully we can adapt to and make good use of the
changes that occur in our lives and world.

As we
choose both fluidity of intelligence and transparency, we increasingly
invite learning, growth, and expansion on many levels in our lives. This
further enables us to better make choices which serve the highest good
all of us. Let us then choose to be open, transparent, and fluid both
ourselves and with each other, and to offer support for the limitless
possibilities of growth and expansion which lie within each one of us.
materials on this website are designed to assist us in this worthy

Ask with pure intent, and it shall be given unto

Knock with pure heart, and the door shall be opened unto

Special Note:
On exploring this material, some people may know
or come to understand that one of the main reasons they are here now is
to help usher in a new paradigm for humanity. If you are one of these
people, we invite you to take a look at our Transformation Team website

Final Note: believes it is
important to balance disturbing cover-up information with inspirational
writings which call us to be all that we can be and to work together
positive change. Please visit our Inspiration Center at
for an abundance of uplifting material.

See our archive of
revealing news articles at

Your tax-deductible donations, however large or small, help greatly to
support this important work.
To make a donation by credit card,
check, or money order:

these empowering websites coordinated by the nonprofit PEERS network:
- Every person in the world has a heart
- Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups
- Building a Global Community for All
- Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all

Educational websites promoting transformation through information and
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