5 Easy Ways to Increase Your Manpower How to tap into your secret source of sexual stamina, energy, and drive A testosterone shortage could
cost you your life. As if losing muscle mass, bone density, and your
sex drive to low T levels wasn't bad enough, new research shows the
decline can also increase your risk of prostate cancer, heart disease,
and even death. Follow these steps to lift your levels and lengthen your life.
1. Uncover Your AbsAs your waist size goes up, your testosterone goes down. In fact, a
4-point increase in your body mass index -- about 30 extra pounds on a
5'10" guy -- can accelerate your age-related T decline by 10 years. For
a diet that'll help keep your gut in check, try the new TNT Diet.
2. Build Your Biceps Finnish researchers recently found that men who lifted weights
regularly experienced a 49 percent boost in their free testosterone
levels. "As you strengthen your muscles, the amount of testosterone
your body produces increases," says David Zava, Ph.D., CEO of ZRT
Laboratory. You need to push iron only twice a week to see the benefit.
For a 6-week muscle plan, take the MH Challenge.
3. Fill Up On Fat Trimming lard from your diet can help you stay lean, but eliminating
all fat can cause your T levels to plummet. A study published in the
International Journal of Sports Medicinereveals that men who consumed the most fat also had the highest T
levels. To protect your heart and preserve your T, eat foods high in
monounsaturated fats -- food such as fish and nuts.
4. Push Away From The BarHappy hour can wreak havoc on your manly hormones. In a recent Dutch
study, men who drank moderate amounts of alcohol daily for 3 weeks
experienced a 7 percent decrease in their testosterone levels. Limit
your drinking to one or two glasses of beer or wine a night to avoid a
drop in T.
5. Stop StressMental or physical stress can quickly depress your T levels. Stress
causes cortisol to surge, which "suppresses the body's ability to make
testosterone and utilize it within tissues," says Zava. Cardio can be a
great tension tamer, unless you overdo it. Injuries and fatigue are
signs that your workout is more likely to lower T than raise it.