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 Build muscle, burn fat

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 8092
Localisation : Washington D.C.
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Build muscle, burn fat Empty
MessageBuild muscle, burn fat

Build muscle, burn fat with Vince's Program & Bonuses

CB: Vince, let's talk more about nutrition, what is your general
"philosophy" on eating for muscle & fat burning?

For skinny guys:

If you want to look like someone who is 200 pounds and 5% body fat
then you have to start eating like a man who is 200 pounds and 5%

If you are a female and want to be a lean and trim 120 pounds and
15% fat then you have to start eating like a woman who is 120
pounds and 15% fat.

Nutrition is a mental game and knowing what you want and then
becoming the part.

My nutrition plans are about 45% carbs, 35% protein and 20% fat.
Obviously, clean calories all around the board. I don't believe in
'forcing' your muscles to grow with food.

What that means is that if your body only needs 4000 calories to
grow, eating 5000 will not get you there quicker. It will only
make you fatter.

Genetics and hormones determine how fast you gain muscle. Your goal
is to stay in that 'surplus' and your body will take care of the

CB: What do you recommend for post-workout nutrition?

I have always used the 2:1 ratio of liquid carbs to protein.

Whether you take it before, during, after or a combo of all three
does not make a big difference. Just make sure you are sending
nutrients to your muscles within these times.

One hour after your workout should be your most important meal of
the day (although its the consisteny of all meals that ultimately
build your physique). Again 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Pasta
and meat balls. Steak and potato. Chicken and rice.

These kind of meals will get your muscles growing!

CB: You also have a huge line up of shakes in your program - tasty
ones, too, not the classic gross protein shakes. Where did you get
those ideas and can you share a couple with us?

The basic foundation of my shakes are to make it feel like you
actually ate a real meal. Aside from the protein powder (which
could be substitued with egg whites) my shakes are based on clean

I hate store bought weight gainers. They are filled with low
quality protein, fillers, artificial sweetners and tones of other
crap that does not create a positive environment inside your body
to build muscle. Avoid them at all costs (and save your money).

Here are two of my favorite shakes...I have over 30 in my course:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake
1-3 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 cup of 1% chocolate milk
1 cup of cottage cheese
2 tbsp natural peanut butter
1.5 cup of ice
Splenda, for taste

Island Power Gainer Shake
1-3 scoops of protein powder
1 mango, peeled and cubed
1 cup of pineapple chunks in unsweetened juice, undrained
1 kiwi, peeled and cubed
1 strawberry
1cup of ice cubes

CB: Nice! Now tell us about the bonus offer you are making to

This month marks the one year anniversary of
my workout advice website
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