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 Turbulence Training for Fat Loss

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 8092
Localisation : Washington D.C.
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Empty
MessageTurbulence Training for Fat Loss

Jen Heath is a fat loss pro who went from being 195 pounds after

having twins to getting fitness model-lean. She recently interviewed
over a dozen of the top fat loss experts in the world.

Find out more about Jen's interviews here

Jen is also an expert trainer with plenty to share...

CB: Why do some beginners drop out?


The main reason clients fail to contact me when they need help is

because they think they have "fallen off the wagon" or "done

themselves in" with chocolate.

Really, these slight deviations from diet can actually be mentally

refreshing and easily worked around. The problem lies in a

prolonged absence from utilizing me due to feelings of guilt, shame

or failure.

None of my clients are failures. Life happens, and nothing should

stop anyone from using the help they pay for. If a trainer finds

major flaws in their clients for something like this, they are not

worth having as trainers.

CB: What do you think about cardio for fat loss?


When I see people ding only cardio at the gym every time I see

them, it is no wonder that they look the same year after year.

They are always trying to get rid of that "flabby tricep" or that

"last bit of fat" on their abs. Cardio in volumes won't do it.

Weight training will. Smart nutrition with weight training and an

appropriate and not egregious amount of cardio is the way.

CB: Why is that?


I am certain that it is because there is an intimidation factor

associated in people's minds with weights. This can be complicated

further more by the idea that weights will make them bulky.

CB: Jen, you use weights, but look fantastic, not bulky.


I am not bulky, but I don't eat volumes of food over maintenance

either. The only way to "bulk up" is to eat over maintenance


The only way to get started on burning fat effectively is to eat

enough to give you body the energy it needs to do it! It is truly

time to get off the machines, and find a combination of weight

training and nutrition that will yield the true results women are


CB: What are some other problems with fat loss programs?


Changing training schemes and nutritional plans too soon is a huge

deterrent from success in physique goals.

Training plans are best implemented on a 6-8 week basis, with lots

of progression in the weights during this time.

The best thing to do is to focus on increasing the weights lifted,

or beating records form the workout before. Once the inevitable

results start coming from being consistent, it becomes much easier

to feel dedicated to a particular plan for a sufficient amount of


CB: What about diet plans?


The same goes for nutrition. Nutrition is most of the results we

getting the gym to begin with as I stated at the beginning of this


You can never know how well a nutritional outline will work for you

if you don't give it a fair chance. This involves a minimum of 4

weeks eating a certain way before determining whether it is

effective for your body.

Again, the tendency here is just that we want results sooner,

better, faster. Realizing that those kinds of results are the ones

that don't last can be a major stepping stone in achieve a lean

sexy body over a longer period of time, one that lasts!

CB: Any fat loss tips outside of eating and exercising?


It is imperative to get enough sleep. It is one of those things

that must be decided upon and done. Get as much done as you can,

make sleep a priority and go to bed. Most things can wait till the


Find out more details from Jen here

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Author, Turbulence Training

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