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 PEERS: List 27/06/2007

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MessagePEERS: List 27/06/2007

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Dear friends,

are one-paragraph excerpts of important news articles you may have
These news articles include revealing information on secrecy within the
U.S. Executive Branch, CIA disclosures, preparations for cyberwarfare,
more. Each excerpt is taken verbatim from the major media website listed
the link provided. If any link fails to function, click
here. Key sentences are highlighted for those with
By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread
the word, we can and will build a brighter

best wishes,

Tod Fletcher and Fred
Burks for PEERS and the Team

Stung by Harper's In a Web Of

June 25, 2007, Washington

Silverstein says he lied, deceived and fabricated to get the story. But
was worth it, he insists. Those on the receiving end don't agree. As
Washington editor of Harper's magazine, Silverstein posed as Kenneth
a London-based executive with the fictional Maldon Group, claiming to
represent the government of Turkmenistan. He had fake business cards
printed, bought a London cellphone number and created a bogus Web site --
all to persuade Beltway lobbying firms to pitch him on representing
Turkmenistan. "For me to deny, or try to shade the fact that I tricked
them would be stupid," Silverstein says. "Obviously we did. If our
feel uncomfortable, they're free to dismiss the findings of the story."
Says Harper's Editor Roger Hodge: "The big question in our mind was
whether anybody was going to fall for it." They did. According to
Harper's, executives at the Washington firm APCO Worldwide laid out a
communications plan that included lobbying policymakers -- possibly
including a trip for members of Congress -- and generating "news items."
Senior Vice President Barry Schumacher told Silverstein the firm could
drum up positive op-ed pieces by utilizing certain think tank experts.
proposed fee: $40,000 a month. Another Washington firm, Cassidy &
Associates, asked for at least $1.2 million a year and touted a proposed
trip to Turkmenistan for journalists and think tank analysts.
Hodge says the caper is part of "a long history of sting
operations" by journalists. But that undercover tradition has faded in
recent years. No newspaper today would do what the Chicago Sun-Times did
in the 1970s, setting up a bar to entrap crooked politicians.

Fewer television programs are doing what ABC did in the 1990s, having
producers lie to get jobs at a supermarket chain to expose unsanitary

To read the hard-hitting, in-depth article in Harper's magazine,
click here.

White House of

June 24, 2007, New York

Bush has turned the executive branch into a two-way mirror. They get to
everything Americans do: our telephone calls, e-mail, and all manner of
personal information. And we get to see nothing about what they do.
Everyone knows this administration has disdained openness and
accountability since its first days. That is about the only thing it does
not hide. But recent weeks have produced disturbing disclosures about
how far Mr. Bush’s team is willing to go to keep lawmakers and the public
in the dark.
That applies to big issues — like the C.I.A.’s secret prisons — and to
things that would seem too small-bore to order up a cover-up. Vice
President Dick Cheney sets the gold standard, placing himself not just
above Congress and the courts but above Mr. Bush himself. For the
last four years, he has been defying a presidential order requiring
executive branch agencies to account for the classified information they
handle. When the agency that enforces this rule tried to do its job, Mr.
Cheney proposed abolishing the agency.
Since the 9/11 attacks,
Mr. Bush has tried to excuse his administration’s obsession with secrecy
by saying that dangerous times require greater discretion. He rammed the
Patriot Act through Congress with a promise that national security
agencies would make sure the new powers were not abused. But on June 14,
The Washington Post reported that the [FBI] potentially broke the law or
its own rules several thousand times over the past five years when it
the Patriot Act to snoop on domestic phone calls, e-mail and financial
transactions of ordinary Americans.

When Computers Attack

June 24, 2007, New York

who follows technology or military affairs has heard the predictions for
more than a decade. Cyberwar is coming. Although the long-announced,
long-awaited computer-based conflict has yet to occur, the forecast grows
more ominous with every telling: an onslaught is brought by a warring
nation, backed by its brains and computing resources; banks and other
businesses in the enemy states are destroyed; governments grind to a
telephones disconnect. Industrial remote-control technologies known as
Scada systems, for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition ... allow
remote monitoring and control of operations like manufacturing production
lines and civil works projects like dams. So security experts envision
terrorists at a keyboard remotely shutting down factory floors or opening
a dam’s floodgates to devastate cities downstream.
But how bad would a cyberwar really be — especially when compared
with the blood-and-guts genuine article? And is there really a chance it
would happen at all?
Whatever the answer, governments are
readying themselves for the Big One. The United States is arming up.
Robert Elder, commander of the Air Force Cyberspace Command, told
reporters ... that his newly formed command, which defends military data,
communications and control networks, is learning how to disable an
opponent’s computer networks and crash its databases. “We want to go in
and knock them out in the first round,” he said, as reported on

White House Defends Cheney's Refusal of

June 23, 2007, Washington

House defended Vice President Cheney yesterday in a dispute over his
office's refusal to comply with an executive order regulating the
of classified information as Democrats and other critics assailed him for
disregarding rules that others follow. White House spokeswoman Dana
said Cheney is not obligated to submit to oversight by an office that
safeguards classified information, as other members and parts of the
executive branch are. Cheney's office has contended that it does not have
to comply because the vice president serves as president of the Senate,
which means that his office is not an "entity within the executive
branch." Cheney is not subject to the executive order, she said,
the president gets to decide whether or not he should be treated
separately, and he's decided that he should." Democratic critics said
Cheney is distorting the plain meaning of the executive order.
"Vice President Cheney is expanding the administration's policy on
to include tortured logic," said Senate Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin
(D-Ill.). "In the end, neither Mr. Cheney or his staff is above the law
the Constitution."
The dispute stems from an executive order ...
establishing a uniform, government-wide system for protecting classified
information. Cheney's office, like its predecessor, filed reports about
its handling of classified information to the National Archives and
Records Administration oversight office in 2001 and 2002 but has refused
to do so since. His office also blocked an on-site inspection to examine
its handling of classified data.

Bush claims oversight exemption too

June 23, 2007, Los Angeles

House said ... that, like Vice President Dick Cheney's office, President
Bush's office is not allowing an independent federal watchdog to oversee
its handling of classified national security information. An executive
order that Bush issued in March 2003 ... requires all government agencies
that are part of the executive branch to submit to oversight. Although it
doesn't specifically say so, Bush's order was not meant to apply to the
vice president's office or the president's office, a White House
said. From the start, Bush considered his office and Cheney's exempt from
the reporting requirements, White House spokesman Tony Fratto said. Those
two offices have access to the most highly classified information. Fratto
conceded that the lengthy directive, technically an amendment to an
existing executive order, did not specifically exempt the president's or
vice president's offices. Instead, it refers to "agencies" as being
subject to the requirements, which Fratto said did not include the two
executive offices. "It does take a little bit of inference," Fratto said.
Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists'
government secrecy project, disputed the White House explanation of the
executive order. He noted that the order defines "agency" as any
executive agency, military department and "any other entity within the
executive branch that comes into the possession of classified
— which, he said, includes Bush's and Cheney's offices.

CIA to Air Decades of Its Dirty Laundry

June 22, 2007, Washington

will declassify hundreds of pages of long-secret records detailing some
the intelligence agency's worst illegal abuses -- the so-called "family
jewels" documenting a quarter-century of overseas assassination attempts,
domestic spying, kidnapping and infiltration of leftist groups ... CIA
Director Michael V. Hayden said yesterday. The documents ... also include
accounts of break-ins and theft, the agency's opening of private mail to
and from China and the Soviet Union, wiretaps and surveillance of
journalists, and a series of "unwitting" tests on U.S. civilians,
including the use of drugs. The documents have been sought for decades by
historians, journalists and conspiracy theorists and have been the
of many fruitless Freedom of Information Act requests. In anticipation of
the CIA's release, the National Security Archive at George Washington
University yesterday published a separate set of documents from January
1975 detailing internal government discussions of the abuses. Those
documents portray a rising sense of panic within the administration of
President Gerald R. Ford that what then-CIA Director William E. Colby
called "skeletons" in the CIA's closet had begun to be revealed in news
accounts. "It's surely part of [Hayden's] program now to draw a bright
line with the past," said National Security Archive Director Thomas S.
Blanton. "But it's uncanny how the government keeps dipping into
the black bag." Newly revealed details of ancient CIA operations, Blanton
said, "are pretty resonant today."
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PEERS: List 27/06/2007 :: Commentaires

Re: PEERS: List 27/06/2007
Message Mer 27 Juin - 10:26 par mihou
C.I.A. Chief Tries Preaching a Culture of More

June 22, 2007, New York

E. Colby faced an uneasy decision in late 1973 when he took over the
Central Intelligence Agency: whether to make public the agency’s internal
accounting, then being compiled, of its domestic spying, assassination
plots and other misdeeds since its founding nearly three decades earlier.
Mr. Colby decided to keep the so-called family jewels a secret, and wrote
in his memoir in 1978 that he believed the agency’s already sullied
reputation ... could not have withstood a public airing of all its dirty
laundry. So why, at a time when the agency has again been besieged by
criticism, this time for its program of secret detentions and
interrogations since the Sept. 11 attacks, would the current director,
Gen. Michael V. Hayden, decide to declassify the same documents that Mr.
Colby chose to keep secret? General Hayden said it was essential for the
C.I.A. ... to be as open as possible in order to build public trust and
dispel myths surrounding its operations. The more that the agency can
the public, he said, the less chance that misinformation among the public
will “fill the vacuum.” It was this outlook that General Hayden, whose
public relations skills are well known in Washington, brought to an
earlier job. There, as director of the National Security Agency,
he tried to overhaul the N.S.A.’s public image — that of the
shadowy, menacing organization portrayed in the movie “Enemy of the
— by inviting reporters to briefings and authorizing its officials to
to the author James Bamford for his book on the agency, “Body of

For a brief summary of and links to further information about James
Bamford's important book on the NSA, Body of Secrets, click here.

Osama Flight Shocker

June 21, 2007, New York

bin Laden was suspected of chartering a plane that carried his family and
other Saudis from the United States shortly after 9/11, according to FBI
documents released yesterday.
One FBI document referred to a
Air 727 plane that left Los Angeles on Sept. 19, 2001, carrying Saudi
nationals. "The plane was chartered either by the Saudi Arabian royal
family or Osama bin Laden," according to the document obtained by
Watch. The flight made stops in Orlando, Washington, D.C. and Boston, and
terminated in Paris. Asked about the documents' assertion, an FBI
spokesman said, "There is no new information here. Osama bin Laden did
charter a flight out of the U.S."

To read an excellent article on the implications of this brief report, click here.

Extraordinary Kiwis: Saving the

June 23, 2007, (New Zealand's
leading TV station)

in an Auckland suburb is an unlikely laboratory for a 57-year-old
millionaire with a passion to change the world. But Ray Avery is anything
but typical. A charismatic Kiwi ... he's taken a horrific
childhood, combined it with a passion and prodigious aptitude for science
and turned it into a motivation to change the world. Ray now runs
Mondiale, a non-profit aid organisation dedicated to doing things
Medicine Mondiale is based from his home ... and
garage has been converted into high tech lab. Here Ray works designing
developing simple and sustainable medical solutions for the many health
problems in the developing world. He enlists the help of other scientists
and experts to work on specific projects with him. Ray dragged himself up
by the bootstraps, from a childhood in orphanages and on the streets of
London, to become a scientist, businessman and self-made millionaire.
After coming to New Zealand, a chance meeting with Fred Hollows (world
renowned eye surgeon) set him on a path to Eritrea and Nepal to build
factories for the Fred Hollows Foundation. Exposure to the raw and real
shortcomings of heath care in these regions made him determined to use
knowledge of pharmaceuticals, science, project management, design and
development to tackle the issues at a very practical level.

Key Articles From Years Past

Rwandan Genocide Survivor Recalls

November 30, 2006, CBS

genocide in Rwanda 12 years ago was the most efficient ever carried out.
800,000 people were slaughtered in 100 days. One incredible and inspiring
survivor’s tale has come to light only recently. It took Immaculee
Ilibagiza, a college-educated young woman from a remote village, many
years before she could confront the horrors she lived through. She is
speaking out now, she says, to prevent further atrocities. It was
extremely low tech ... just machetes, spears and knives, wielded by
the majority tribe as they tried to wipe out the minority Tutsis. [They]
were slaughtered in their tracks, wherever they were found. When it was
over, three out of every four Tutsis in Rwanda had been killed. When it
began, Immaculee's father told her to run to a minister’s house three
miles away, and to beg him to hide her. The minister was a Hutu. [He] put
Immaculee and six other women in a tiny, rarely used bathroom in a remote
corner of the house. Seven women were huddled in a bathroom
measuring three feet by four feet, for 91 days. They took turns standing
and stretching.
"They were searching. They were there all the
time," Immaculee remembers. She lost 40 pounds – one third of herself.
What prompted the genocide? The Hutus had long-standing resentments
against the Tutsis, who formed the nation's elite. There are things you
can point to, but ... what could possibly explain what happened?
knows Rwandans can never forget but believes they must forgive. Revenge
only prolongs the pain. Now she's a woman on a mission to spread the
... hoping it can prevent future atrocities. She has giving lectures; she
has written a book; and she is determined to stop the inevitable
revisionists who claim the genocide never happened.

An intense video clip of this story is available at the CBS link above.
This article fails to mention the key fact that top officials in
developing nations knew very well of the mass murder as it was happening,
yet refused to send help. This is graphically portrayed in the powerful
movie Hotel
. Immacullee's amazing book, Left
to Tell
, has been an huge inspiration to many people around the

State take from corporate income

April 15, 2004, San Francisco
(San Francisco's leading newspaper)

Californians are shouldering an increasing percentage of the state's
general fund, while the share of revenue from corporate income taxes has
declined, according to a new analysis by a think tank in Sacramento.
time, the burden of paying for public services has, in a fairly dramatic
way, shifted from businesses to individuals,'' said Jean Ross, director
the nonprofit California Budget Project in Sacramento. Ross went back
than 40 years to track how much the state derived from its three main
revenue sources: personal income tax, sales tax and corporate income tax.

Over time, income taxes paid by individuals have risen to fill half of
state's coffers, while corporate income taxes have fallen to about 10
percent of the take. Dan Bucks, executive director of the Multistate Tax
Commission, said the decline in corporate taxes as a share of state
coffers is occurring in all 47 states that levy some form of business or
corporate tax. "Our data indicate that ... corporate income taxes were
percent of state revenues in 1980 and 4.9 percent in 2002,'' he said.
Personal income taxes -- levied in more than 40 states -- have also risen
nationwide "in a virtually straight line,'' he said. Corporations
have gotten better at sheltering income from both federal and state
For instance, the General Accounting Office, watchdog agency of Congress,
recently reported that more than 60 percent of U.S. corporations paid no
federal taxes from 1996 through 2000.

Shooting the messenger: Report on layoffs

January 3, 2003, San Francisco
(San Francisco's leading newspaper)

The Bush
administration ... has quietly killed off a Labor Department program that
tracked mass layoffs by U.S. companies. The statistic ... comprised an
easy-to-understand overview of which industries are in the greatest
distress and which workers are bearing the brunt of the turmoil. Sharon
Brown oversaw compilation of the mass-layoffs number at the Bureau of
Labor Statistics in Washington. "This was a high-quality program,
producing timely information on important developments in the labor
market," Brown said. The $6.6 million in annual funding for the
mass-layoffs program ... was channeled through the Labor Department's
Employment and Training Administration. When that agency decided it
more cash ... the Bureau of Labor Statistics was told to look elsewhere
its budget needs. Apparently no extra money was to be found anywhere
the Labor Department, which had a total budget of $44.4 billion last
up from $39.2 billion in 2001. The same conclusion was reached in 1992
when the first President Bush canceled the Mass-Layoffs Statistics
program. Now Bush the younger is following in his father's
footsteps, once again deciding that the American people have no real need
to know how many mass layoffs are made each month.

Mind-Reading Computer

July 1, 1974, Time

experiment looks like some ingenious test of mental telepathy. Seated
inside a small isolation booth with wires trailing from the helmet on her
head, the subject seems deep in concentration. She does not speak or
Suddenly, a little white dot hovering in the center of the screen comes
life. It sweeps to the top of the screen, then it reverses itself and
comes back down. After a pause, it veers to the right, stops, moves to
left, momentarily speeds up and finally halts — almost as if it were
the control of some external intelligence. In fact, it is. The
unusual experiment, conducted at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo
Park, Calif., is a graphic display of one of the newest and most dazzling
breakthroughs in cybernetics. It shows that a computer can, in a very
sense, read human minds.
Although the dot's gyrations were
directed by a computer, the machine was only carrying out the orders of
the test subject. She, in turn, did nothing more than think about what
dot's movements should be. Brainchild of S.R.I. Researcher Lawrence
a ... neurophysiologist and electronics engineer, the computer
technique is far more than a laboratory stunt. The key to his scheme:
electroencephalograph, a device used by medical researchers to pick up
electrical currents from various parts of the brain. If he could learn to
identify brain waves generated by specific thoughts or commands ... he
might be able to teach the same skill to a computer. Pinneo does not
worry that mind-reading computers might be abused by Big Brotherly
governments or overly zealous police trying to ferret out the innermost
thoughts of citizens.

This research conducted in 1974 shows that the capability for
computers to respond to human thought was developed decades ago. The
subject was classified top secret and continued to be developed secretly
by the military and government, but kept well-hidden from public view.
more on this important topic, click

Special Note: To see an astounding 7-minute clip from
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company) on mind control, click

For a recent three-minute news clip seen by millions on
Challenge Day, a powerfully transformative program for teenagers, click
here. For an amazing 15-minute clip from an Emmy award winning
documentary on the incredibly inspiring Challenge Day program, click

Note: believes it is important to balance
disturbing cover-up information with inspirational writings which call
us to be all that we can be and to work together for positive change.
Please visit our Inspiration Center at
for an abundance of uplifting material.

See our archive of
revealing news articles at

Your tax-deductible donations, however large or small, help greatly to
support this important work.
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these empowering websites coordinated by the nonprofit PEERS network:
- Every person in the world has a heart
- Reliable, verifiable information on major cover-ups
- Building a Global Community for All
- Strengthening the Web of Love that interconnects us all

Educational websites promoting transformation through information and

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