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 Exercise of the Week: Rocking Calf Raise

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 8092
Localisation : Washington D.C.
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Exercise of the Week: Rocking Calf Raise Empty
MessageExercise of the Week: Rocking Calf Raise

Exercise of the Week: Rocking Calf Raise
This is a great option for calf training that doesn't require
any stinkin' machines. From a standing squat position with a
barbell on your back, perform a standard calf raise. As you return
your feet flat to the ground though, raise the toes off, hence
"rocking back."

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Perform with caution and get the feel of the exercise as tempo
should be slow with total control.

Mini-Article: 3-2-1 Shoulders

by Chris Shugart

When it comes to weight training, the deltoids are unique. On
the one hand, they're probably overtrained. That's because the
delts play a role in just about every compound exercise. Some
estimate the front or anterior delts of a bodybuilder are five
times larger then a non-weight trainer. Not only do most
bodybuilders train the front delts directly, they also do things
like inclines bench presses and dips which also hit the anteriors.

On the other hand, the rear, or posterior, delts are often
neglected by most lifters and may be only a little larger than a
non-weight trainer's. This not only takes away from their physique,
it can lead to imbalance injuries and cause poor posture by giving
them a "rounded shoulders" look. The side or medial delts fall
somewhere between these two extremes.

Let's assume that you're an average weight trainer with a few
years of experience. That means your front delts are probably
overtrained and/or overdeveloped and your rear delts are
under-trained and/or underdeveloped. How do you fix it? Easy, use
this "3-2-1" program.

The premise is simple: give priority to the rear delts by using
more volume and putting them first in your shoulder-training
regimen. And since your front delts are probably already receiving
adequate stimulus through other movements, they'll get trained the
least and not until the end of the program. (The medial delts, true
to the their name, will fall somewhere in the middle.)

Exercise 1: Rear Delt Raises
Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10
Bend forward at the waist and bend the knees. Leading with the
elbows, raise the dumbbells without using any body sway or momentum
and pause for one second at the top of the movement. You can place
your forehead on an incline bench or similar to avoid lower back
stress and reinforce good form.

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Exercise 2: Lean Away Lateral Raises
Sets: 2 each side

Reps: 8-10
This unilateral exercise really targets the medial delts by
placing a greater overload at the top of the movement. Grab on to a
fat personal trainer (or anything that's heavy and doesn't move
much, like a squat rack) and lean away in the position shown below.
Pause at the top of the movement and lower the weight slowly.

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Exercise 3: Front Plate Raises
Sets: 1

Reps: 8-10
We picked this one up from the Westside crew. Grab a weight
plate at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock. Raise it until you can see
through the hole, pause one second, and lower it under control.
Keep the body rigid and avoid using body English or we'll send
Louis Simmons over to breathe down your neck, too.

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• Be sure to follow the order and the 3-2-1 set guidelines.
Also, when prioritizing any muscle group, always train it first in
the workout and (preferably) first in the week when you're

• If you feel like your front delts are severely
overtrained and/or overdeveloped, skip the plate raises for a few

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Exercise of the Week: Rocking Calf Raise

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