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 Extreme Cardio for Fat Loss?

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 8092
Localisation : Washington D.C.
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Extreme Cardio for Fat Loss? Empty
MessageExtreme Cardio for Fat Loss?

« Extreme Cardio for Fat Loss?
Fat Loss Interval Q'n'A

Intervals are going mainstream. Since November when the latest "intervals work for fat loss" research study came out, the media has been hyping up intervals non-stop.

And that's good. We're starting to show more people that real world results are achieved without hours of long, slow cardio.

But there are still a lot of questions about the best way to do I cover those today, as well as giving a few other tips along the way...

Q: In general, do you recommend doing the intervals after the weight sessions? Versus splitting them up onto separate days? Do you find that people get better results one way or the other?

I recommend doing the intervals after the weights only because that gives you more days out of the gym (on which you should still be active, but you don't necessarily have to go to the gym).

This approach just suits most people's lifestyles better.

But you can alternate between weight days and interval days, if that suits your lifestyle better.

We're trying to collect feedback from a lot of people to figure out if either approach is better...but so far, neither stands out as being superior...both schedules simply work really well.

Let me know which you choose and how it works for you.

Q: One more question about intervals...Does it matter whether they're on a bike, treadmill, or eliptical? I did my Monday intervals on the bike...

The interval methods I prefer are, in order of what I think is best...

1) Hill sprints
2) Sprinting outside
3) Treadmill sprints
4) Strongman type exercises/medleys
5) bodyweight and/or kettlebell circuits
6) bike sprints against resistance - not high-RPM spinning

(Note: 1-6 are all very, very effective...not a huge difference in results between those)

Lesser effective methods, in my experience:

1) rope jumping
2) swimming
3) rowing
4) elliptical

That said, I've seen almost all methods work. I just think group A works better. I'm happy to hear from people that can prove me wrong about the 2nd group of exercises.

Of course, some of the methods in the top group require a much more extensive warmup (ie. you have to do much more warmup for any type of sprinting compared to doing intervals on the bike).

Personally, I really like the bike. Convenient. Effective.

Q: Is there a best length of time to do an interval? Should they all be 30 seconds long?

That's a great question.

And we just haven't found the answer. I talk about this with Alwyn Cosgrove all the time. He and I both like 30-second intervals.

By the way, in my most recent interview with Alwyn, he described a new "stubborn fat loss" protocol that he is trying out.

Here's a tip from a TT member...

Hey I thought I would let you know about a sweet "tool" that your turbulence training crowd might find useful. Its called the GYMBOSS and its an interal timer that can count down 2 different intervals (work and rest), and has the option to vibrate so you can switch exercises while wearing the ipod. Its pretty cool, thought you may like to hear about it.

P.S. its only 20 bucks!

Q: So Craig, the entire TT routine is "just" 3 weight sessions and 3 interval sessions per week? With 4 days out of the gym (other activity)? That's it?

Yes, that's it. That's the program.

Turbulence Training is a fat loss program that suits your lifestyle.

Remember my audience is time-starved men and women, typical Men's Health and Women's Health readers that have to get maximum results in minimum time. Three sessions of 45 minutes per week. That's it. Before the kids get up, or after they go to bed. Or at lunch.

Works pretty well with our regular folks.

One thing we need to understand is how incredibly efficient resistance training and interval training can be.

Intense exercise, when appropriate, is the best way to go,
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