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 UN votes for N Korean sanctions

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Tite Prout
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Tite Prout

Nombre de messages : 1737
Localisation : Montréal
Date d'inscription : 01/06/2005

UN votes for N Korean sanctions Empty
MessageUN votes for N Korean sanctions

UN votes for N Korean sanctions
The UN Security Council has unanimously voted to impose sanctions on North Korea following recent missile tests.

The resolution demands UN members bar exports and imports of missile-related materials to North Korea and that it halt its ballistic missile programme.

The move comes after North Korea test-fired seven missiles including a long-range Taepodong-2 - believed to be capable of reaching Alaska.

North Korea has said it "totally rejects" the resolution.

'Unambiguous message'

Japan had produced its draft resolution for the 15-member Security Council just days after tests earlier this month.

The council has acted swiftly and robustly in response to the reckless and condemnable act
Shintaro Ito
Japan Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs

To avert a veto from China, the resolution does not mention Chapter Seven of the UN Charter, which is legally binding and can authorise sanctions or even military action.

It requires all UN members to prevent imports from or exports to North Korea of materials that could be used in weapons of mass destruction.

The resolution underlines the need for North Korea "to show restraint and refrain from any action that might aggravate tension".

And it calls for Pyongyang to return to six-nation talks over its nuclear programme.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso urged North Korea to obey the vote.

"The council has acted swiftly and robustly in response to the reckless and condemnable act of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea," Japanese Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Shintaro Ito said.

The UK and US ambassadors to the UN described the resolution as strong and binding.

US Ambassador John Bolton said it sent "an unequivocal, unambiguous and unanimous message to Pyongyang".

He said that if North Korea did not comply with the resolution, the council could consider further action.

Missile moratorium

The country drew worldwide condemnation and sparked intense negotiations following its missile tests on 4 and 5 July.

The missiles failed and fell into the Sea of Japan.

It was Pyongyang's first test of a long-range missile since a self-imposed moratorium in 1999.

The last time North Korea tested a long-range missile was in 1998, when it launched a Taepodong-1 over northern Japan.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/07/15 21:22:12 GMT

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UN votes for N Korean sanctions :: Commentaires

Tite Prout
Re: UN votes for N Korean sanctions
Message Dim 16 Juil - 7:14 par Tite Prout
N Korea rejects UN missile call
North Korea has angrily denounced a United Nations resolution condemning its missile tests and said it would build up its military arsenal.

The country's foreign ministry described the resolution as the product of a hostile American policy and said Pyongyang would not be bound by it.

North Korea would, it said, "bolster its war deterrent" in every way.

South Korea has urged Pyongyang to order a moratorium on missile tests and return to six-party nuclear talks.

The UN resolution demands that North Korea suspend its ballistic missile programme, and bars all UN member states from supplying North Korea with material related to missiles or weapons of mass destruction.

It was passed unanimously by the Security Council after being revised to drop any mention of Chapter Seven of the UN Charter, which is legally binding and can authorise sanctions or even military action.

China had otherwise threatened to veto it.

The resolution was tabled by Japan after North Korea test-fired seven missiles including a long-range Taepodong-2, believed capable of reaching Alaska.

'Unambiguous message'

Japan had produced its draft resolution for the 15-member Security Council just days after the tests on 4 and 5 July.

It underlines the need for North Korea "to show restraint and refrain from any action that might aggravate tension", and calls for Pyongyang to return to the six-nation talks over its nuclear programme.

Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso said the Security Council had acted "swiftly and robustly in response to [North Korea's] reckless and condemnable act".

The UK and US ambassadors to the UN described the resolution as strong and binding.

US Ambassador John Bolton said it had sent "an unequivocal, unambiguous and unanimous message to Pyongyang".

He said that if North Korea did not comply with the resolution, the council could consider further action.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2006/07/16 09:31:23 GMT


UN votes for N Korean sanctions

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