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 Our Nelson Mandela ,by Gaynor Paynter

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Rang: Administrateur

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Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

Our  Nelson Mandela ,by Gaynor Paynter Empty
MessageOur Nelson Mandela ,by Gaynor Paynter

Ten years into South Africa's democracy, the time is right for tribute to be paid to one of the most influential and effective architects of that democracy, Ex-President Nelson Mandela.
Our  Nelson Mandela ,by Gaynor Paynter Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Transkei, South Africa. His mother could not have known that her labour was the start of a greater labour, one which would free all South Africans. Her immediate concern was the bringing up and education of her son, and this was done at the College of Fort Hare and the University of the Witwatersrand where Mandela qualified in Law in 1942.

It was shortly after this, in 1944, that Mandela joined the African National Congress (hereafter referred to as ANC), and as a member of the Youth League became actively involved in resistance to the apartheid policies implemented by the ruling National Party in 1948 - examples of which included segregation of races in living areas, education, working opportunities and the implementation of the Pass Law (meaning that Africans had to carry pass books to prove who they were, etc)

How better to narrate this biographical article on a great man than to let him do it himself? Excerpts are taken from a speech given by Mandela at a presidential address at the Annual Conference of the African National Congress Youth League in December 1951.

"Expressed in what is perhaps an oversimplification, the problem of the Youth League and the Congress today is the maintenance of full dynamic contact with the masses and the fight in the daily issues that face them." (This meant that three years into the apartheid regime, the President of the Youth League was aware that there were issues in the Government of the day's policies which were unjust and would have to be dealt with. And, in closing, Mandela stated:) "Sons and daughters of Africa, our tasks are mighty indeed, but I have abundant faith in our ability to reply to the challenge posed by the situation. Under the slogan of FULL DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS IN SOUTH AFRICA NOW, we must march forward into victory."

The struggle had begun.

Between 1956 and 1961, Nelson Mandela was put on trial for treason, charges from which he was acquitted.

The ANC was banned in 1960, after which the organisation took to operating "underground". Nelson Mandela became the motivator of the establishment of a military wing within the ANC - leading to the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe. In 1962 Mandela was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison with hard labour. Subsequently, in 1963, many fellow leaders of the ANC and Umkhonto we Sizwe were arrested and Mandela was brought to trial with them for plotting to violently overthrow the Government. On June 12 1964 he was sentenced, together with seven others, to life imprisonment, beginning an incarceration at Robben Island until 1982, whereafter he was moved to Pollsmoor Prison on the mainland

It was during this time in prison, a time that he himself used to study and write, that Mandela's reputation as a resistor of the system grew. He became widely accepted as a symbol of the injustices being perpetrated in South Africa by both South Africans and international observers.

Nelson Mandela was released from prison on February 18 1990, and he threw himself straight back into his life's work.

In 1991 he was elected the President of the ANC, whilst the erstwhile President, and Mandela's good friend, Oliver Tambo, was elected National Chairperson. Between 1991 and 1994 negotiations were conducted between Mandela and President FW de Klerk, president of the then ruling party, the National Party, and in 1994 the first Democratic Election in South Africa was held, one which was won in a resound ing fashion by the ANC. After 46 years of struggling, the issues facing the youth that Mandela referred to in 1951 had been resolved. Nelson Mandela was President of South Africa.

The narration continues with quotes from his inaugural speech, Cape Town, 9 May 1994:

Photo of Nelson Mandela."Today we are entering a new era for our country and its people. Today we celebrate not the victory of a party, but a victory for all the people of South Africa. Our country has arrived at a decision. Among all the parties that contested the elections, the overwhelming majority of South Africans have mandated the African National Congress to lead our country into the future. The South Africa we have struggled for, in which all our people, be they African, Coloured, Indian or White, regard themselves as citizens of one nation is at hand"

The South Africa we have struggled for is at hand. What a great victory, what an achievement for a man who has committed his entire life to the provision of a better future for his people.


"We speak as fellow citizens to heal the wounds of the past with the intent of constructing a new order based on justice for all. This is the challenge that faces all South Africans today, and it is one to which I am certain we will all rise"

We are ten years into this democracy now, and yes, there are problems. There is crime. There is unemployment. There is a legacy from the past. But there is also a new generation, one which does not equate skin colour with privilege or status. This is the generation which must make the work one man has done in his life carry on forever

We South Africans must look to the future as Nelson Mandela has always done (in 1951, it was how to sort out the current day issues by actions to be taken in the future, in 1994 it was how to carry forward the work done to build a better South Africa) and continues to do - in one of the few speeches that Mandela has made this year (Monday 10 May 2004, Cape Town - in a Parliament sitting to celebrate ten years of Democracy), he says :

"The memory of a history of division and hate, injustice and suffering, inhumanity of person against person should inspire us to celebrate our own demonstration of the capacity of human beings to progress, to go forward, to improve, to do better."

This has been Nelson Mandela's common thread throughout the his lifetime - to look to the future, to do better. What a wonderful lesson for South Africans to learn from the man who played such a great role in making the country what it is today.

In ending, I say a prayer for this the land of my birth: God Bless Africa, guide her leaders and give her peace, for Jesus Christ's sake, Amen.
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