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 Training Disasters

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Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

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MessageTraining Disasters

Training Disasters
by Tony Gentilcore

Earlier this year I wrote an article titled Dieting Disasters,
where I described some of the more common mistakes (or disasters, if
you will) that people often make with their diet in regards to their
body composition goals. I figured it was only fitting that I write an article dealing with the training side of things as well.

Running To Get Fit Mike
Boyle has often been quoted as saying, "You can't run to get fit, you
need to get fit to run." I couldn't agree more with this statement.
Most (read: not all) people shouldn't be running in the first place.
This is especially true for women. What's the first thing that
women do to get into shape? They hightail it to the local store and buy
a new pair of pearly white running shoes and go for a jog outside.
Conversely, what's the first piece of equipment that women will
gravitate towards if they've never set foot in a gym before? The
treadmill. And more often than not both scenarios do notlook pretty. I
watch some of these women running (you men too--you're not off the
hook) and it just looks painful. How can they possibly think this is
good for them? I can walk on a floor of broken glass barefoot or listen
to Paris Hilton speak and both would be less painful than watching some
of these women run. Training Disasters Image001
I'll admit, the girls on the left are rockin the headband. Why
is running not so great for the majority of women? There are a few
reasons, but the main one boils down to basic biomechanics and the
Q-angle. Women by nature have a greater Q-angle compared to men (wide
hips, narrow knees), which predisposes them to a number of problems
that aren't normally an issue for men. Research has shown that women
are six times more likely to tear their ACL compared to men. Training Disasters Image003 Add
that to the fact that many women tend to be very quad dominant and are
weaker than a baby's fart (i.e. they don't lift appreciable weights;
sorry, pink dumbbells for 20 reps don't count) and you have a recipe
for disaster. Women aside, running is a fairly advanced form
of exercise. Within any given mile there are roughly 1500 foot strikes.
Ask any strength coach or decent personal trainer (yes they do exist)
if they'd ever allow an elite athlete (let alone your average
weekend warrior) to perform a plyometric protocol which calls for 1500
foot strikes on a daily basis, and I'm willing to bet you'll get some
perplexed looks. Yet day in and day out I see men and women
who are 20-50 lbs overweight trudging over to the treadmill to get
their three miles in because this is what they feel will get them fit.
Even worse, I'll often hear trainers or internet gurus on various
forums tell these same people that they should be doing sprints to get
lean. [Picture me here banging my head against a brick wall.] Training Disasters Image005
Bang away Before you send the hate mail, please understand that I'm not
saying that running is "bad" for everyone, nor am I saying that it's
"bad" in general. There are a plethora of health benefits to be had by
including aerobic training such as running/jogging into your
repertoire. However, I feel there are better options for
those people who are overweight and relatively new to training looking
to get into shape. And that's the point... you need to be fit to run
and not vice versa.
Side Note: Eric Cressey wrote a fantastic newsletter
a few weeks ago detailing how a novice runner's stride (heel strike) is
different from the advanced runner's stride (balls of feet). Long story
short, "we" need to teach people how to run.

Not Training the Backside of the Core I'm
not a big fan of the word "core." Unless, of course, your name happens
to end with "core," then it's completely awesome. However, in the
fitness world the term "core" is often misused and misunderstood. When most people think of core they think of the cover of Men's Health,
with the cover model sporting a six pack you could wash your clothes
on. In order to achieve said six pack, many trainees will spend hours
performing various sit-ups or crunches. I mean we all know the main
function of the core/abdominals is trunk flexion. We all learned that
in 10th grade anatomy class, right? Training Disasters Image007 While trunk flexion is one of the many actions of the abdominals, their main function
is to keep the trunk over the pelvis by resisting hoop stress. Besides,
we're missing the big picture here. The core is much more than just the
abdominals. The core actually represents the entire lumbo-pelvic-hip
complex consisting of over 30 muscles. In his book, "Form and
Function: The Anatomy of Motion," Evan Osar states that only the rectus
abdominus and the spinalis portion of the erectors are oriented in a
purely vertical fashion while the transverse abdominus (TA) is the sole
muscle oriented in a horizontal manner. The large majority of the core
muscles are oriented in an oblique direction (i.e. spiral line). Core Musculature Vertical Horizontal Oblique Rectus Abdominus

External Oblique

X Internal Oblique

X Transverse Abdominus


X Iliacus

X Rectus Femoris

X Sartorius


X Iliocostalis

X Longissimus

X Spinalis


X Quadratus Lumborum

X Gluteus Maximus

X Gluteus Medius

X External Hip Rotators

X Hamstrings

X Adductors


Why is this important to know? The
muscles of the core are obliquely oriented in order to produce and
control rotational movements. As Osar notes in his book, "By nature of
its position, the core is able to produce and control forces that are
occurring throughout the body. It also acts as a relay station between
the upper and lower kinetic chains. The extremities drive core
activity, but activity of the core influences movement of the
extremities as well." Guess where all force is transferred by
the body? The hips. Strength and power are derived by loading the hips,
aided by pelvic and spinal motion, and then transferring it to the
extremities. I'm in total agreement with physical
therapist/strength coach Gray Cook when he says that people need to pay
more attention to their rear ends and start "training the backside of
the core" (ie: glutes, hips and hamstrings). Everyone likes to look at
rear ends. Well, they're part of our core as well. Training Disasters Image010
Kim Kardashian has a superb "core."
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Training Disasters :: Commentaires

Re: Training Disasters
Message Mar 30 Oct - 22:38 par mihou
notes that we should be hip-based creatures. Essentially the hips are
the engine of the core. Everything from force, power, to strength is
transferred through the hips. The engine of your car does the same
thing; gives your car horsepower. Your mid-section (abdominals) can be
seen as the transmission or drive shaft of the core. You're not
supposed to bend or twist the drive shaft/transmission of your car, so
why do we seem to think that is the best way to train our core
(sit-ups, crunches, etc)? Why do we totally neglect the engine?

In the end, training the backside of your core (via deadlifts, glute ham raises, pull-throughs, etc.) will lead to better performance.
Train for performance and the aesthetics will come in time. Learn to
use the backside and your body will thank you with a firm and lean
mid-section (assuming your diet is on point). No crunches involved.

Deadlifting Before You're Ready

I can hear the crickets chirping already. Did Tony just say that people should not be deadlifting when he just said that we should all train our backsides? Put the pitchforks down and hear me out.

there's one movement pattern everyone should master, it's the deadlift.
Broken down to its simplest form, the deadlift is essentially your
ability to equalize your own bodyweight to get lower to the ground.
Many people have forgotten how to perform this basic movement pattern
properly, yet will still walk into the gym on day #1 and do something
that resembles anything but a deadlift. Does this look familiar?

me be clear. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve performance,
a weekend warrior looking to add some mass, or a 65-year-old
grandmother who wants to be able to pick her grandchildren off the
floor, the deadlift is an exercise that will benefit anyone. That said,
not everyone is meant to walk into the gym and place a bar on the
ground and lift it. Some people just don't have the strength and/or
flexibility to perform a conventional deadlift safely right off the

The spine does indeed get into bendable positions in
sports and everyday activity. However, look at a football player when
he strikes an opponent. Look at a baseball player when he swings and
makes contact with the ball. Look at someone who exhibits flawless
deadlift technique. The spine always finds its neutral position. When
it's not in neutral, that's when people get hurt.

need to learn how to achieve a neutral spine and groove the proper
motor pattern of the deadlift before they start pulling from the floor.
The beauty of the deadlift is that it's one of those rare exercises
that can be conformed to fit the needs of the lifter (and not vice

Better Options

One of my
favorite exercises to use with new trainees is the partial deadlift (or
rack pull). Here the lifter gets all the benefits of the deadlift
(grooving the proper pattern, keeping a neutral spine, getting
massive), without all the drawbacks (a broken back).

Set the pins at a height where the barbell is just below knee level. As
you start to get more comfortable with the movement, you can move the
pins down so that you're pulling from mid-shin as well.

2. Chest up, butt back, chin tucked. Big air, brace your abdominals.

3. Stand tall, pulling "through your heels." Always end with hip extension (squeeze your glutes).

Keeping the bar against your thighs, return to the starting position by
breaking your hips first, not your knees. Push your butt back while
keeping your chest high. You should feel the brunt of your weight go
back into your heels.

5. Place the bar back on the pins, reset yourself and repeat.

6. Girls will now want to hang out with you.

great deadlift variation that I like to use with new trainees is the
suitcase deadlift. Not only is it a great teaching tool to teach the
proper movement pattern, but it also serves as a great way to train
anti-rotation because you have to brace the opposite side of the body
so as not to tip over.

for those trainees who lack the flexibility to perform the movement
through its full range of motion, you can elevate the dumbbell by using
blocks. This is also a great option for really overweight or elderly

trap bar deadlift is also a great option. At Cressey Performance, we
usually have all our athletes start with a trap bar deadlift and then
progress to more conventional variations. The trap bar serves as a
pseudo "partial deadlift" due to the three inch elevation that the
handles provide (you can also turn it over so that the bar is closer to
the floor). Additionally, the trap bar tends to be a bit easier for
those people with long femurs as it gets the knees out of the way. Not Including Single Leg Training Most
people would rather pass a kidney stone than perform single leg
training. I realize this is probably a fruitless endeavor, but I am
going to say it anyways: You need to include more single leg training into your programming. Why?
Single leg training helps to alleviate any weaknesses or imbalances
that may exist between one limb or the other. In this case, one leg
being stronger or weaker than the other.
Single leg training does a superb job at improving overall strength by
forcing the hip adductors/abductors to fire and stabilize the body
(namely the femur) while the body is breaking the frontal plane. I've
seen it time and time again. A trainee improves his or her strength
with single leg movements and their squat and deadlift numbers go up as
well. Not a bad thing.
3. Name one sport that
takes place entirely on two legs (and no, competitive eating is not a
sport). Even bowlers end up on one leg! Athletes are constantly
competing on one leg (changing direction, jumping up and down, kicking,
etc.), so it only makes sense to train with single leg movements in the
4. From an injury prevention
standpoint, single leg training is invaluable. There's quite a bit of
research which suggests that anterior knee pain is directly associated
with a weak or inhibited glute medius (a hip abductor). When
we perform a single leg movement such as a one legged squat, we engage
what Mike Boyle has called the Lateral Sub System (hip adductors, hip
abductors, and the Quadratus Lumborum), which is a "system" of muscles
that when "fired," work to stabilize the hip and knee joint (mentioned
above). Include more single leg training into your programming and your
knees will thank you. Training Disasters Image012
Lateral Sub System.

Training for the Circus If
I never see a BOSU ball again or any other device used for unstable
surface training, I would die a happy man. Unless you're training to be
part of the circus, I really feel that these foo-foo pieces of
equipment have no place in a healthy individual's training program. Training Disasters Image014
BOSU Ball + Biker Shorts = Lame. I
hear a lot of personal trainers tout that using unstable surfaces is
great for "functional training." The phrase functional training has
gotten a bit skewed as of late, and I think that people have forgotten
what the true definition is in the first place. For me, functional
training entails anything that improves a real life quality or function. Examples
include: squatting down to pick something up off the floor, walking up
a flight of stairs, or drop kicking dumb personal trainers. Functional
training should entail exercises and movements that help to improve
everyday life events. Standing with one leg on a BOSU ball while doing
arm curls with one arm and holding a body-blade in the other does not
constitute as "functional." Training Disasters Image016
She's sitting, so it's only half stupid right? Conversely, it does constitute being a complete waste of time. [Side
Re: Training Disasters
Message Mar 30 Oct - 22:38 par mihou
Note: there's some research which shows that unstable surface training
is beneficial for people coming off of severe ankle sprains, but as I
alluded above, for healthy individuals, it's just not worth the time.] Trust
me, your time can be better spent sticking to the basics if you want to
lose fat or get stronger in the gym: squats, deadlifts, various lunges,
bench presses, chin-ups, rows, etc. These are the staples. If someone
can't even do a regular squat with correct form on a stable surface
(the floor), why would I want to put him or her on an unstable surface?
It doesn't make sense. In the end, all they'll be doing is promoting a
faulty motor pattern, which could possibly predispose them to injury
down the road. Training Disasters Image018
Staples are what it's all about. By training on an unstable surface you're shooting yourself in the foot in a few ways. 1. You'll burn fewer calories.
You won't be able to use nearly as much weight on an unstable surface
as you would on a stable surface performing the same exercise. Burning
calories (and hence, fat) is all about progressive resistance/overload
(stressing the body). BOSU balls and the like are inferior in this
regard. 2. You will actually make yourself weaker.
Gaining strength is all about force production (i.e. being able to
transfer force from the ground up). By training on an unstable surface,
you're promoting "leaks" and really limiting the amount of force you
can generate in any given exercise. For athletes, this is crucial. Additionally,
unstable surface training undermines all three phases of the
stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), especially the amortization phase.
Using devices such as BOSU balls actually delays the amortization
phase. From an athletic standpoint, one seeks to minimize this phase as
much as possible to prevent loss of a significant amount of the energy
accumulated and stored as a result of the preloading (eccentric) phase. Training Disasters Image020
World's best coach... at making athletes weaker. 3. Core Strength? Please don't be that
person who claims that unstable surface training is great for training
the core. I can have someone do the same movement on a stable surface
and activate the "core" just as much. 4. Safety.
On more than one occasion I've seen people fall and injure themselves
while performing exercises on an unstable surface. For example,
squatting on a SWISS ball. Every time I see someone attempt this, I
cringe. Free-weight exercises have been proven safe when performed on
stable surfaces, but there isn't much data out there which showcases
the efficacy of unstable surface training in regards to safety. In
the end, I just don't think training on unstable surfaces is worth it.
Again, if you're training for the circus they're great! However, I feel
that people would be much better served steering clear of them in the
long run.

Following the "JT" Workout Not
too long ago I was training a client of mine and looked over my
shoulder and saw Justin Timberlake (JT) training with a few guys from
his entourage. My initial reaction was to crank the radio and challenge
him to a Michael Jackson dance off. But upon observing his training
routine, I decided to back off and use him as an example in this
article instead. You may be wondering what the "JT" workout
entails. In short, it's any program which only exacerbates your already
less than spectacular posture. In JT's case, we have a training routine
which included roughly 12-15 sets of exercises that internally rotate
the humerus (flat bench press, incline DB press, decline BB press, lat
pulldowns) and zero that externally rotate the humerus. For those who
aren't anatomy savvy, the humerus is the upper arm bone. Training Disasters Image022
Who knew internal rotation could be so sexy? Damn you JT!! I'm
willing to bet the above routine looks familiar to many people reading
this article. I'm also willing to bet many of you have the same
postural issues. If you're not necessarily sure, perform the following
simple test popularized by strength coach/personal trainer Mike Meija:

The Pencil Test
1. Grab a couple of pencils and hold them in your hands with points facing out and your arms at your sides.
2. Look down at your hands. Where are the pencils pointed? If
they're pointed straight ahead, you have optimal shoulder posture and
you're awesome. If they're pointed inward diagonally, you have slight
internal rotation and you're less awesome. If they're pointing towards
each other, you have severe internal rotation and you're completely not

What to do? If you fall
under the category of slight internal rotation, I'd include a healthy
dose of static and dynamic stretching for the pecs and lats and include
two pulling exercises (rows) for every pushing exercise (presses).
you fall under the category of having severe internal rotation, I'd
include a healthy dose of static and dynamic stretching for the pecs
and lats and three pulling exercises for every pushing exercise.
it's including more exercises that promote external rotation and
scapular retraction or realizing that leg presses should not be the
staple of your leg training, the sooner you learn to balance your
programming so that you can achieve optimal postural balance and joint
health, the better off you will be.

Not Including More Soft Tissue Work Everyone
always talks about how stretching/lengthening our tissue (muscles) is
the best thing you can do to increase your range of motion and improve
flexibility. I don't agree entirely. A good example would be someone
who is in anterior pelvic tilt, which is about 95% of the population: Training Disasters Image024 In
this example, we see a predictive pattern of tight/overactive muscles
weak/inhibited muscles (also called Lower Cross Syndrome).
Tight/Overactive Quadriceps, TFL, Psoas (hip flexors) Weak/Inhibited
Hamstrings, Glutes, Abdominals Most
people like to stretch their hamstrings because they always feel
"tight," when in all actuality they're anything but. Why would you want
to stretch an already weak and inhibited muscle? The hamstrings are
already lengthened in this scenario (hence why they "feel" tight). By
static stretching them, you're just making them more
weak and inhibited. What if I told you that you don't necessarily need
to stretch in order to improve your flexibility? I like to get people
in the mindset that working on tissue quality
is paramount in how they feel overall. We can stretch till the cows
come home, but if we don't take care of all the knots, adhesions,
trigger points, and scar tissue that build up in our muscles from all
the weight training, running, and daily grind we put them through (even
sitting at your computer all day), we'll never get full range of
A great analogy I like to use is with a rubber band. Suppose I took a
band and put a knot in it. Now I pull the band to emulate stretching,
what happens to the knot? It
just gets tighter/smaller. Eventually, the band will break either above
or below the knot; kind of like what your muscle does when you strain
it. Using a foam roller or something as simple as a tennis ball
can go a long ways in helping you achieve improved tissue quality. By
breaking up all those adhesions, you will automatically improve your
flexibility without even stretching.
note: I am in no way saying that static stretching doesn't have a time
and place. In fact, we need more stretching, as long as it's done
correctly and in the right areas. But I just wanted to bring light to
the fact that people are doing themselves a disservice by not focusing
on tissue quality as well and including more soft tissue work into
their daily routines.

The End Hopefully
I was able to shed some light on a few of the more common "disasters"
that I see many trainees make with their programming. In the end,
sometimes we need a little dose of tough love to set us straight and to
set us up for success.

About the Author
Gentilcore is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
and Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) through the National Strength and
Conditioning Association. Located in the greater Boston area, he has
established himself as one of the premier trainers in New England
through his no-nonsense approach to training and desire to provide the
most up-to-date, results based, and fun training environment for his
clients. Check out his website at or check
out his blog for The Boston Herald. Additionally, Tony is one of the co-hosts of The Fitcast, one of the top weekly fitness/nutrition podcasts featuring some of the biggest names in the industry.

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