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 Booming Biceps — Part I How to unleash your core strength

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MessageBooming Biceps — Part I How to unleash your core strength


Biceps — Part I

How to unleash your core strength

to achieve explosive arm development

by Don Alessi

The size of your

biceps depends on your squat strength. Do you agree? No? You don’t see

the connection? Bear with me then because the above statement is true. Up to

one-third of your upper extremity force is generated by your lower body, especially

during multiple joint, mass building lifts. Golfers, throwers and powerlifters

understand this connection.

Luckily, there

are new ways to tap into this hidden strength potential. When properly tapped,

athletes realize a prompt 30% boost in upper-body strength. Evidence from physical

therapy suggests that your potential for upper-arm muscle mass may be squandered

because of weak links in the pelvis and lower back.

In order of magnitude,

the determinants of arm girth are:

Your capacity for size (genetic contribution)

Total body strength levels (transfer of energy through the core)

The ability to stabilize the shoulders at progressively higher loads

Biceps muscle imbalances

What I’m going

to do is present a unique approach to arm development that blends biceps hypertrophy

into the movement chain of the rest of the body. Warning: The path we’re

going to take to bigger biceps may seem unconventional, but the results you’ll

experience will speak for themselves.

Genetic Freaks and Arnold

In bodybuilding,

as in life, there’s a distinct advantage to having the right parents. The

most salient characteristics of muscle development are the tendon insertion

points. Bodybuilders and strength athletes with biceps insertion points further

from the center of the joint have a natural mechanical advantage. This is because

a longer tendon is a longer lever arm.

The longer the

lever arm, the greater the torque around the joint, and thus the more force

that joint can produce. Historically, very few bodybuilders are blessed with

low insertion points on all major muscles. Exceptions include Mike Matarazzo

and Casey Viator.

The other genetic

advantage is biceps fiber make-up. A fast-twitch guy, someone that can only

do three reps at 80% of his maximum, has an advantage in that he utilizes a

greater percentage of high-threshold fibers which are responsible for peak strength.

These individuals are capable of muscle growth in just a few sets of single


A recent discovery

is a gene called myostatin. It’s a member of the transforming growth factor-beta

superfamily and is a genetic determinant of skeletal-muscle growth. Recent studies

support the hypothesis that myostatin is an attenuator of skeletal muscle growth

in adult men and contributes to muscle wasting in HIV-infected men. It’s

likely that certain people may produce a mutant form of this gene so that their

bodies wouldn’t regulate muscle growth, thus giving rise to the term "genetic


Although the all-mighty

Arnold Schwarzenegger had enviously long muscle bellies in the elbow flexors,

he got the short end of the tendon stick in the long muscles of the calf. This

is probably why he took early photos from his thighs up, or standing in water!

However, due in part to the Oak’s desire to be the best, he overcame this

predisposition to achieve very respectable calf development. It goes without

saying that desire and knowledge can make up the genetic gap.

Total Body Strength: The Missing Link

The sequence of

muscle activation in a given exercise is termed a kinetic (movement) chain.

All resistance exercises operate in a kinetic chain. The goal of the kinetic

chain activation sequence is to transfer maximum velocity or force from the

beginning (proximal) muscles to the end (distal) muscles. How much weight you

can lift is highly dependant on every muscle in the chain.

For example, let’s

look at one of the best mass building exercises for the biceps—the standing

biceps curl. The distal load is the barbell, and the distal muscles are the

elbow flexors, better known as the biceps. The proximal segments are the muscles

of the legs, pelvis and lower back. Because of their large relative mass, the

legs are responsible for the impulse that’s generated.

So once again,

lower extremity strength production directly influences your arm strength by

igniting the chain that transfers into upper-extremity force. In addition, arm

cross sectional area (mass) is correlated to your squat strength and deadlift

strength in resistance trained athletes.

Exercise scientists

have even developed strength-prediction equations for the bench press, deadlift

and squat that are based on biceps circumference. This is one reason that powerlifters

turned bodybuilders place high in their first show. Even a correspondence-course

fitness trainer understands that for maximum mass development you must rely

on heavy barbell exercises. The more joints involved, the stronger your mechanical

advantage, the more weight you’ll lift and the more tension you’ll

place on the muscles. All of this results in greater muscle mass.

A Wrench in your Machinery?

Many bodybuilders

have relied on isolated single-joint movements to develop bulk mass. After understanding

the power of the entire chain, you’ll realize that this thinking is completely

out of order.

Additionally, I

find most novice bodybuilders have the core stability of a linguini noodle.

It’s that ability for the leg impulse to travel through the core of the

lower back and pelvic muscles that delivers more strength to the upper extremities.

Priority must be placed on developing the muscles of the lower back and


The snatch deadlift

(a deadlift with a shoulder shrug) is one of the best lifts to rate total body

strength. Being able to lift 1.5 times bodyweight is ideal. If you can’t

at least snatch deadlift your body weight, then this is where you begin your

arm program, not in front of the mirror doing shameless concentration

curls with the pink dumbbells.

To figure this

out, just look at your strength. The higher your strength on a given lift, the

better the exercise is for mass development. It’s no coincidence that the

standing lifts are your stronger lifts since they require tapping into the entire

kinetic chain. Once your core is stabilized, priority is placed on the muscles

further up the chain.

Pelvic control

can be tested through a simple test developed by physical therapists called

the Trendelenburg Glute Test. This procedure evaluates the strength of

the gluteus muscle on the stance side and requires some assistance. Have someone

stand behind you and observe the dimples overlying the buttocks. (Insert your

own politically incorrect joke here.) These dimples are to the side of the spine

just above the belt line. Normally, when you bear weight evenly on both legs,

these dimples appear level.

Next stand on one

leg. If you stand straight, the gluteus muscle on the stance side should contract

as soon as the opposite leg leaves the ground and should elevate the pelvis

on the unsupported side. This elevation indicates that the glute muscle on the

supported side is functioning properly (negative Trendelenburg sign). If the

pelvis on the unsupported side remains in position or actually drops, the gluteus

on the stance side is either weak or non-functioning (positive Trendelenburg


The Hollywood Microcycle

I call the following

workout the Hollywood Microcycle. It’s designed to correct the previous

weaknesses. If I’m training a showbiz hotshot and they only give me 12

weeks to produce, I’ll start with this cycle.

This microcycle

is designed to quickly increase lower back strength and total-body muscle mass.

In personal training circles, the snatch deadlift is a serious shortcut, so

I’ll use it as my primary exercise. By the way, it’s best not to squat

while you’re involved with this program due to the intense loading on the


Here’s an

outline of the program which is designed to be performed every fifth day for

30 days, a total of six workouts. I’ll explain the lifts below in more



Snatch deadlift

Sets: 6

Reps: 6

Rep Speed: 505*

Rest Interval: 180 seconds

Each week decrease

the reps by one, increase the sets by one, and increase the weight 5%. Then

lay off five days and retest your 1 RM for the snatch deadlift. For an extra

kick, hold the bar isometrically just below the knees on the last rep of each

set. This will send your low back strength up to the next level.

Also note the "505"

rep speed or tempo. Due in part to the maximum weight being used, the concentric

speed of the bar will be slow and actually take approximately 5 seconds to lift,

even though the trainee is lifting explosively. Also, a concentric rep will

"shock" the nervous system much the same way that varied speed sports (such

as gymnastics) produce the strongest athletes.


Step-ups with hip flexion

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12

Rep Speed: 501

Rest Interval: 15 seconds


Leg Curls, prone

Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10

Rep Speed: 402

Rest Interval: 120 seconds


The "B1-B2" designations just mean that you superset these two movements.


One leg calf raises

Sets: 3 each leg

Reps: 12-15

Rep Speed: 222

Rest Interval: 60 seconds

Exercise Descriptions


This exercise is almost identical to a traditional deadlift:

hands outside the knees, feet straight. Grasp the bar using a pronated, overhand

grip (palms facing you.) Using an arched back, lift the bar and position it

across the mid-thigh. Elbows are soft-locked and the chin and neck are retracted

with the head in a neutral position.

Stand and lift

the weight from the floor, then shoulder shrug the weight once the bar is at

belt level. (At the point that the bar has reached mid-thigh level, the lifter

simultaneously starts the shrug.) Lower the bar in constant contact with the

body, scraping it past the knees and along the shins.

Booming Biceps — Part I How to unleash your core strength 177snatchdead1
Booming Biceps — Part I How to unleash your core strength 177snatchdead2
Booming Biceps — Part I How to unleash your core strength 177snatchdead3

Step-ups with hip flexion:
Start by holding a barbell across your

shoulders with a wider than shoulder-width grip. Tuck the elbows directly under

the bar at all times. Plant one foot on a 12 to 18 inch bench. Slightly externally

rotate the toes on that planted leg. Using the active contraction of the thigh,

raise your other "free" leg to bench level. Once that foot reaches bench level,

bend the knee and flex the hip of the free leg. This will cause an unstable,

diagonal pattern across the pelvis and induce pelvic strength.

Booming Biceps — Part I How to unleash your core strength 177stepup1
Booming Biceps — Part I How to unleash your core strength 177stepup2

Leg Curls (prone): This is simply a lying

hamstring curl performed on a machine.


leg calf raises:
These can be performed in a standing calf machine

or by standing on a box on one leg and holding a dumbbell.


Stop doing those

mindless arm routines you picked up like a foot fungus in the shower of the

gym and focus on rebuilding your arm mass from the ground up. Realize your genetic

potential, develop a strong core, test your hip flexibility and get ready to


The second part

of this article deals with the contribution of the shoulder blade (scapula)

muscles to position the arm for advanced development, including a practical

method of discovering your biceps weak points. Stay tuned.

* Please see our

FAQ section if you’re unfamiliar with tempo prescriptions.

Don Alessi is the founder of Alessi Personal Fitness Inc. and the North American

Training Certification Ltd. His clients include various professional athletes

and a number of hot-shot Fortune 500 executives. His specialties are mass development

and body transformation. For information on a telephone consultation, e-mail

him at



Kibler, MD,John McMullen,MSATC and Tim Uhl,PhD,PT,ATC Shoulder Rehabilitation

Strategies, Guidelines, and Practice. Orthopedic Clinics of North America

32 (3); 527-538 July 2001Review.


F.C.Piper,Ph.D.,J.S.Ware,M.S. Anthopometric correlates with strength performance

among resistance trained athletes. J Sports Med. Phys Fitness 1993;33:159-65.


NF, Taylor WE, Yarasheski K, Sinha-Hikim I, Ma K, Ezzat S, Shen R, Lalani

R, Asa S, Mamita M, Nair G, Arver S, Bhasin S.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1998

Dec 8;95(25):14938-14943 Organization of the human myostatin gene and expression

in healthy men and HIV-infected men with muscle wasting.


1998 — 2001 Testosterone, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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