The system is set up to destroy the cream of the Black crop, because White people do not want to see a head develop among us. They are watching at every turn for leadership, to destroy that leader. But God has given us a leader who has put his thoughts and wisdom in our heads. Even though he is absent from among us, he is very present in the knowledge that he has disseminated among us. You can kill the man but you cannot kill the plan. You cannot kill the idea. He is come to birth now in so many of us, until you do not know where to start to kill.
The scepter of rulership and knowledge is passed away from the Jews, Christians and Old World Muslims, and it has come to the despised, rejected, unloved and unwanted. In the Bible, God says, “I will choose the despised and the rejected. I will take a foolish people as my own. I will take a people that once were a people, but now are no people at all, and I will bring to naught those that are wise with a foolish people; and I will be their God and they will be my people; and I will be in the midst of them and they will not need neither the light nor the moon, for I will be in the midst of them and they will feed from me.” By feeding from the pure truth of Almighty God, our minds will be reshaped and reformed, and we will start to grow out of bestiality into humanity.
We have to make a change; we have to stop feeding from corrupt sources and start feeding from God and grow out of the bestiality into humanity into our divinity. We will walk out of death into life, out of an old world into a new world, and fulfill our destiny. We are born to become true manifestations of the characteristics of God.
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