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 Here’s To Your Success

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 8092
Localisation : Washington D.C.
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

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MessageHere’s To Your Success

Here’s To Your Success

Discover seven winning principles to grow your companyBy James C. JohnsonFebruary
1, 2007--Turning a small startup into a multimillion-dollar enterprise
is an entrepreneur’s dream come true. But what are the secrets to
growing a successful company? Business growth expert and speaker Steven
S. Little ( provides some answers -- which he says most experts will agree with -- on how to achieve "profitable growth.""Most
entrepreneurs have a growth plan in their head," explains Little. "But
to sustain an effective growth strategy, that plan needs to be written
down, well communicated, and regularly updated." In his book, The 7
Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth (John Wiley & Sons;
$18.95), Little outlines his effective principles for sustained small
business growth and success.FOLLOW THESE RULES FOR SUCCESS

  • Establish
    and maintain a strong sense of purpose. Start by answering these
    questions: Why are you doing what you are doing? What is your company
    trying to accomplish? Honing your overall purpose is the first step
    toward growth.
  • Thoroughly understand the marketplace. To
    grow a business, you need to recognize what customers are looking for
    and respond to it. Gain a better understanding of your market by
    reading industry magazines and trade journals. Join associations and
    trade groups to stay informed and share information.
  • Build
    an effective growth planning system. Tap into employees, managers, and
    outside observers to help develop a good growth plan. Prioritize growth
    planning every day.
  • Develop customer-driven processes.
    Define everything that you do from a customer’s perspective, and then
    look for ways to improve that every single day. Look for ways in which
    technology can improve your customer acquisition and retention.
  • Put
    the power of technology to work. Educate yourself and become an expert
    on how technology will impact your business and industry. Identify
    technology experts who can propose ways to save you money and automate
    your business processes.
  • Attract and keep the best and the
    brightest. A small business owner needs to continually find, train, and
    retain superior people to achieve sustainable growth. Recognize the
    importance of purpose for your employees.
  • See the future
    more clearly. Find ways to record and measure signs of change within
    your organization. Gather information about emerging issues and
    consider the importance of these trends to your business. Finally,
    develop an action plan to respond to these forces of change.
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