Successful Training Leaves Clues Remember
how earlier I rambled on about "be careful who you learn from?" I
learned a long time ago that learning from the most genetically gifted
pros was a losing proposition for me. I was already doing everything
they were doing. So instead I looked outside the bodybuilding arena. I
started looking at other sports whose athletic training created great
physiques. I kept coming up with the same people and the same sports.
Gymnasts and sprinters have amazing physiques, as a group. Success
leaves clues. Training success leaves even more clues.
looked at various sports and their training protocols where the
majority of athletes partaking in the sport have well-developed
physiques. I started asking myself obvious questions. Why is
it on a basketball court players can have a 36 inch vertical leap, but
there isn't a set of calves anywhere to be seen? It's not just strength
and power expressions, but a specific type of strength and power
expressions that create physique enhancement. Yet gymnasts all seem to
have really well-developed calves, not to mention capped delts, tight
abs, and round hard glutes. What is it about gymnastics training that
induces such a physique response? Answer: high speed movement training with resistance. Resistance
in this case is bodyweight in multiple planes of motion and using
multiple joints. They have well-developed calves because of the nature
of their sport of "adding motion" to the resistance that creates more
proprioceptive demand. This results in more effective fiber recruitment
and overload response.