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 6 Basic Essentials

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Rang: Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 8092
Localisation : Washington D.C.
Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

6 Basic Essentials Empty
Message6 Basic Essentials

Mini-Article: 6 Basic Essentials

by Chad

1) Frequency
Each body part should be trained twice per week. I've
learned that anyone, regardless of recovery ability or experience,
can benefit from upping the training frequency of each body part to
twice every week. See my previously published articles at for full programs.

2) Exercise Selection
Compound, multi-joint exercises such as squats, deadlifts,
presses, and rows should make up at least 75% of your total
exercises. If not, you're wasting your time on isolation exercises
that aren't demanding enough on your neuromuscular system to
have any real physique-enhancing benefits. I must stress that 75%
is an absolute minimum. Spending 100% of your time on
compound exercises is an excellent idea!

6 Basic Essentials Image024

3) Set/Rep Volume
As a general rule of thumb for inexperienced trainees, I like to
use a set/rep volume in the 24 to 30 range. For example, 8 x 3 or 3
x 8 per body part works well for the lower end of the range. A
set/rep scheme of 10 x 3 or 3 x 10 works well for the upper end
range. I recommend you start with a volume of around 24 and
increase from there if you feel your recovery allows for it. (Just
multiply the sets by the reps to get your number.)

4) Training Intensity
The only time you should flirt with failure is on the last rep
of the last set for each body part. If you reach failure before
that time, decrease the load by 5% for the next workout (using the
same method) the following week. If you don't feel like you're
approaching failure on the last rep of the last set, increase the
load 5% for the next workout the following week.

5) Method Cycling
The simplest way to alternate training methods (sets and reps)
without driving yourself into a frenzy is to simply switch the
set/rep scheme for the subsequent workout for the same upper or
lower body training day. In other words, if you performed 8 x 3 on
day one for upper body, switch to 3 x 8 for the next upper body
workout of the week.

6) Lifting Tempo
Don't worry about it. As long as you use proper form and
control the lifting and lowering phase, you'll be fine. Focus your
mental energy on moving the load instead of counting the rep tempo.

Double Take

6 Basic Essentials Image025

From Bonsai to Bamboo: Biceps Exercises for the Genetically
Challenged, by TC
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