Renew Your Abs Diet New Year's Resolution:
I resolve to eat six meals a day.
I resolve to live by the Abs Diet Power 12.
I resolve to remember that more muscle equals less flab.
I resolve to cheat once a week.
I resolve to remove hot dogs from my food pyramid.
Same goes for Lucky Charms.
I resolve to sweat more, sit less.
I resolve to slurp up whole-grain pasta in the faces of each and every anti-carb nitwit I meet.
I resolve to buy new pants.
As long as they're smaller.
I resolve to succeed—one ab at a time.
I resolve to be inspired by the thousands of people whose lives have changed because they've realized the power in powerful eating.
I resolve to change the way I think about food, calories, muscle, and metabolism.
I resolve to declare 2007 the year of the amazing abdominals.