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 America in No-Win War for Israel

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Date d'inscription : 28/05/2005

America in No-Win War for Israel Empty
MessageAmerica in No-Win War for Israel

America in No-Win War for Israel

Published on Monday, November 20, 2006.

Source: Al-Jazeerah - By Harmony Grant

Congress and the Senate are in Democratic control, Rumsfeld has resigned, and mainstream media calls it all a referendum against the war. America is fed up. America wants change.

Yes, America has spoken. But about what? America hasn’t said no to tax cuts, individual freedom, traditional marriage, or many other aspects of conservatism. America wasn’t saying “no” to limited government and individual freedoms, to the first Amendment or the right to bear arms.

America was saying “no” to a Republican party steered by neoconservative Zionism.

The dots will never be connected by mainstream media, but the facts are there. In midterm elections, America yelled “no” to an Israel-first agenda that left American boys dead in Iraq, squandered American money and reputation, and, oh yeah, caused the deaths of 44,206 Iraqi civilians.

There’s only one tiny problem: Americans don’t know who they’re mad at. The lefties among us think the war was about oil; the loyal Republicans think the war was about national security. Few are looking at the neoconservative Jews (Paul Wolfowitz, Elliot Abrams, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, among others) who crafted this war on behalf of Israel.

As Ari Shavit, writing in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz bluntly stated, “The war in Iraq was conceived by twenty-five neo-conservative intellectuals, most of them Jews, who are pushing President Bush to change history.” (April 9, 2003)

Americans don’t like what’s being done in their name, but they don’t even see who’s doing it. It’s like screaming at your brother while your dad is beating you.

We went into Iraq primarily to make the Mideast safe for Israel. It wasn’t about terrorism. It wasn’t about oil. It was about a tiny desert state the size of New Jersey whose American supporters happen to pretty much control the Mideast policy of the US government.

Unfortunately, this will remain true whether the colors of the House and Senate are red or blue. AIPAC boasts that during the midterm elections campaign, “nearly every viable candidate met with AIPAC professional staff members and submitted a position paper summarizing his or her views on U.S. Middle East policy.” Wanting to reassure Zionist voters leaning Democrat, AIPAC assured America that Congressional support for Israel would remain in force no matter which party was in power.

Arabs hope otherwise. They’re glad Rumsfeld is out and Bush is going down. Check out BBC’s selection of quotes from Arab media; it paints a pretty clear picture (“Mid-East media hail Bush defeat,” Nov. 9, 2006).

Palestinian daily Al-Quds says naively: “We hope this will lead to a review of the aspects of US foreign policy which many Americans oppose, including the blind bias to Israeli policy at the expense of Palestinian and Arab rights.”

They can keep hoping till the sea turns to Kool-Aid, but as much as 60 percent of Democratic funding comes from Jewish constituents. We’re more likely to see Al Gore deny global warming than to see Democrats stand against Zionist interests. So much for the “referendum.

But keep steaming, America. Read the news reports of 19 Gazan women and children killed in their sleep by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) last week. Stay tuned for the coming invasions of Iran and Syria.

Maybe someday you’ll get fed up enough to pass a referendum on the real issue: Zionist control of American resources and foreign policy, for the sake of the state of Israel.

The author has been writing columns regularly at: (
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