VIDEO: 9/11 - The nightmare never ends
Posted on Sunday, October 08, 2006
Source: The Truth Will Set You Free
Footage of the first plane hitting is a dramatization, but pretty realistic (aside from the stupid red bandanas to indentify the 'hijackers') and incredibly terrifying.
Footage of the second plane hitting is the real McCoy.
For those who still think that Norad stood down by accident that morning and that the towers came down by chance, I ask you this -
How can you possibly watch the horror unfold that day in New York, hear about the horrors unfolding EVERY day in Iraq and Afghanistan, and learn of the billions upon billions of dollars swallowed by Corporate America in between and NOT question WHO BENEFITED MOST from this catastrophic event?
How can you watch footage after footage of irrefutable and overwhelming evidence proving that the government's version of what happened that day is simply NOT POSSIBLE, yet still cling to their pathetic lies?
And finally, what if the 9/11 Truth movement is RIGHT?
What if our government DID orchestrate 9/11, killing almost 3000 of its own citizens in premeditated, cold blood only to begin the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands more in their name?
Would you go about your business and accept being ruled by mass murderers, even though it makes you an accomplice?
Or, would you risk your life and fight for a just accounting of this colossal crime?
Perhaps the answer to the final question is more than you can handle.
"The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth which men prefer not to hear."
--Herbert Agar